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with him a highly commendatory letter from the Scottish
king, printed at length in Messenius. But this Latin
letter is plainly dated 1615, i.e. almost twenty years after
Jacob N’af’s death, and was written uex amore in posteros
et successores ejus,” on account of his love towards his
children and heirs. True there is a reference of the
writer to two other letters, dated respectively 1579 and
1580, but this is no conclusive evidence of the date of
NäPs arrival in Sweden. They may have been sent after
him, as was often done. Moreover, we have abundant
evidence of Naf’s presence in Sweden long before that
time. In 1571 he is mentioned, together with William
Ruthven, as one of King Johann’s u småsvenner,” i.e. pages.
In 1574 he saved Archibald Ruthven’s life, as we have
seen above, and in 1576 he appears before the Magistrates
and Council of Stockholm and declares himself willing,
with the consent of his beloved wife, Karin Jacobsdotter
(Jacob Hampe’s daughter), to effect an exchange of a
certain building-site belonging to him for another piece of
ground which the town authorities were to give him for
it.1 Anyhow, Näf was well received at the Court of
Sweden, and rose rapidly to posts of great responsibility.
In 1583 he was made Governor of Westmanland and
Dalarne. Estates in town and country were given to him
by the king. At first he got on well with the peasantry
of that district, but when his hostile feelings towards
Duke Charles became known, and perhaps also on account
of some harshness on his part against the poor,1 2 he
incurred the wrath of the u dalesmen.” Already in 1596
1 Date : 2i8t of March. Rådhus A. See also Hofräkenskapar,
Johann’s III. Riks A.
2 See “ Ihre, Dissert, de tumultu Dalecarl.” “ Sed cum immitior
insimul et erga viduas, orphanos et alios severior existeret, gentis animos
penitus alienavit.”
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