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pity on us and to remember how great hardships we have
suffered during these nine or ten years’ service under Your
Majesty’s father of pious memory and in the days of Your
Majesty himself. That we have kidnapped the master of
the commissariat [“ magistrum annonæ ”] this our great
crime we confess. But we take God to witness that we
did so from ignorance rather than from any contempt of the
law. For we were afraid of the anger of our captain who
slept in the next house, and we did not think it worth while
to confer with him inside his own dwelling, being in fear
of exciting a tumult in the town, but we accompanied him
without inflicting any injury on his person or his possessions
out of the township to ask him if any of our officers had
received our pay, and what were the causes why it was
not distributed, especially since Your R. M. had told us,
that care would be taken that the moneys should be paid
out to our Colonel. Had we known that this our deed
would be interpreted in a way so malicious we would in
no wise have committed it. For they say we should fare
as the Scots did before Wesenberg some time ago, but God
knows without our fault. For we have during these many
years suffered so much for the sake of the Crown of Sweden
that we would never think of offence except when driven
to it by extreme necessity. Since Y. M. departure we
have received now a couple of marks, now half a dollar, nay
sometimes only half a mark, and thus we have led a miserable
life, so much so that very many have on the very streets
exchanged death for life. We therefore beseech Y. M.
most earnestly to pay us something for our long services or
give us leave to go; a greater reward we do not wish. . . .
Expecting Y. M.’s good and favourable reply, we pray for
a long and happy reign and for a complete and glorious
victory over all Y. M.’s foes.”1
1 Riks. A.
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