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campaigning in Lorraine and the Rhine district, his
regiments suffered much from want of food and forage.
Still he was victorious in three engagements against the
Imperialists and their general, De Werth. In the
beginning of 1638 the Duke removed into winter-quarters near
the Swiss frontier. Being hard pressed by the enemy, he
recalled Forbus, who had been besieging the small fortress
of Rheinfelden. When the troops were united a council
of war was held, in which Forbus, nothing daunted,
advised a bold policy. “Trust in God and advance” was
his motto; “ advance whilst the enemies are carousing
within the town and think themselves safe.” Duke
Bern-hard adopted this advice and gained a brilliant victory.
After the battle he made Forbus a present of 1000 ducats,
and appointed him governor of the conquered fortress.
Forbes kept a sort of diary which is preserved in the
so-called De la Gardiska Arkivet at Lund, and parts of
which have been printed. He also wrote a number of
letters to the chancellor, Axell Oxenstierna. From these
sources we learn some facts about the man which are not
without interest. On the 16th of September 1641, he
enters: “ I removed with my dear wife1 and little son
to Stralsund, arrived there on the 5th of October. Gott
lasse es gluckliche ausgehen! ”2 From another entry we
see that he sent his stepsons to study at Strassburg, for
which purpose he gave them 300 Thaler. In his letters
to Oxenstierna, comprising the time from 1643 till 1646,
he mostly informs him of political news which he had
received either by way of Leipzig or Hamburg. Now
and then, however, he touches upon less serious matters;
thus when he tells the chancellor that his beautiful
Hungarian mare had been sick with “ worms,” that he
1 General Forbes had married a widow named Horn.
2 “ God give His blessings to it.”
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