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Patrick Ruthven—the famous general of later times—
occurs also in 1610, with the pay attached to his name, of
4358 Thaler. With him are mentioned Capts. John
Balfour,1 G. Sinclair, John Ker, and James Scott; then
we find no less than three Crawfords (variously spelt as
Crafoord, Craflfert, etc.), Alexander, James, and Laurence,
Robt. Sim, W. Gordon, Laur. Oliver, Jas. Drummond,
A. Gray, J. Rutherford2). In 1612, Capt. A. Gray
occurs as Colonel. The following captains serve in his
company: Alex. Feme (?), Balthazar Carmichael, two
Stuarts, Robert3 and Alexander, Andr. Ker, GrieflF (?),
John Cunnigham, who was called a u balbierer ” (barber)
in 1609, is now advanced to the dignity of “chirurgus ”;
as Lieut., Donald Macswyn (?) is mentioned.
The strength of some Scottish Regiments in Sweden.4
In 1612 there were in Col. Rudderford’s
Company ... 96 men.
Capt. Learmonth’s Company 156
„ G. Wauchop’s „ 95
„ W. Morgan’s „ 92 j»
„ Hendly’s „ 98
„ Alex. CrafFort „ 123
660 men.
1 This is the Johannes Balfour, concerning whom King James VI.
writes on the 26th of July 1609. He calls him a 44 juvenis illustri loco
natus,” and the brother of Michael Balfour of Burleigh.
2 Another Rutherford, Anthony, is 44 Hofjunker99 =
Gentleman-in-Waiting, in 1616.
8 His name occurs in the letter of King James just mentioned; he is
there called brother to the Earl of Orkney, and 44 a cubiculis notis
4 Cp. Mankell, Uppgifter rörande.
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