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of Scottland for his assurance of thankfull payment of the
above mentioned summe of 16030 Rix-Dollers together
with the due interest at 8 pro cento from the end of
Febr. untill it be deuly contented and satisfied to the
said Sir John Maclier, his Airs, Executors or his Assignes.
So finding the said Sir John Maclier, most willing to
advance to his Gracious Majeies. and country’s service
according to his abilities, as well here as heretofore, he
receaving the said Act of Parliament and Public bond for
his security, although the like bond is not usual in
Sweden where he remains he only questionating1 the
same public bond and Act of Parliament not to be sealed
with the Great Seale of the Kingdome of Scottland
although it is to be understood that this is not only one
public bond but alsoe one Act of Parliament subscribed by
My Lord Chancellor in Dominorum præsentia which is
holden in Scotland the most powerfull warrant that our
country can afford any man for his security of repaying his
disbursements. Nevertheless for the said Sir John
Maclier’s more satisfaction for the deu payment of the
above nominated capital and interrest, I herewith oblige
myselfe, my airs, executors and assignes to procure to
the aforesaid Sir John Maclier his aires, executors or
assignes the public bond and Act of Parliament under the
Great Seale of the Realme of Scotland and ,that within
the space of six months after the date hereof under the
penalty of 5000 Rix Dollar annexing hereunto that if
the said bond and Act of Parliament should chance to be
miscarried in the transportage or apprehended by the
enemys I in that case should be obliged to provide him
with another when he or one other in his name shall
require the same, in like manner I herewith oblige myselfe
to studie all possible meanes for the said Sir John Maclier’s
1 The meaning apparently is : objecting to the Act not being sealed.
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