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An Account of Damages and Losses of Sir John Maclier ;
Who hopes that His M. will graciously be pleased to
consider his losses for the Loyalty of His M. being ever
therefore looked upon as a sworne enemy to the late
usurping Powers by reason whereof he suffered in his ships
and trade and also has received many other injuries and
damages . . . for which His M. he hopes will gratiously
reflect upon and suffer that his fidelity to His Mies,
service may [be rewarded].
For the year 1650 last of Febr. His ship Unicorn
whereof Robt. Law was master which carried 12 guns
bound for France was taken by the usurping Power and
with its loading confiscated by the sentence of the
Admiralty; sometime after two other ships of his, one
called the Mary which carried alsoe 12 guns
whereupon W. Reger was skipper bound for Portingall, the
other called the Catherine loaden with iron bound for
Ireland were alsoe seized and declared prizes as can be
shown by the city of Gothenburg’s attestation and seal.
Reckon only therefore 6000 £ St.
Wee whose names are hereunder written doe certify that
the Right Worthy Sir John Maclier did assist His Maj.
of Great Britain with all sorts of warlike Provisions for
His Mies, service in the year 1649 whereupon his ship
called the Unicorn was taken by severall of the
Commonwealth fregates as Prize. Wee coming from Gothenburg
on the ... in the year 1650 with two other ships
belonging to Sir John Maclier together with the
Gothenburg fleet for Portigall and coming near England wee and
the whole fleet were seized on and brought up the Thames
by five of that Commonwealt’s fregates, and being
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