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Tz Book of the great and mighty Emperor of Ruffia, and Duke of Mofcovia, and of the
dominions, orders and commodities thereunto belonging: drawn by Richard Chancelour.

FOR as much as it is meet and neceflary for all thofe that mind to take in hand the
travel into far or ftrange countries, to endeavour themfelves not only to underftand
the orders, commodities, and fruitfulnefs thereof, but alfo to apply them to the fetting
forth of the fame, whereby it may encourage others to the like travail: therefore have
I now thought good to make a brief rehearfal of the orders of this my travail in Ruflia
and Mofcovia, and other countries thereunto adjoining ; becaufe it was my chance to
fall with the north parts of Ruffia before I came towards Mofcovia, I will partly declare
my knowledge therein. Ruflia is very plentiful both of land and people, and alfo
wealthy for fuch commodities as they have. ‘They be very great fifhers for falmons
and {mall cods: they have much oil, which we call train-oil, the moft whereof is made
by a river called Duina. ‘They make it in other places, but, not fo much as there.
They have alfo a great trade in feething of falt water. ‘To the north part of that country
are the places where they have their furs; as fables, marterns, greefle beavers, foxes
white, black, and red, minks, ermines, miniver, and harts. ‘There are alfoa fifh’s teeth,
which fifh is called a morffe. The takers thereof dwell in a place called Poftefora,
which bring them upon harts to Lampas to fell, and from Lampas carry them to a place
called Colmogro, where the high market is holden on St. Nicholas day. To the weft
of Colmogro there is a place called Gratanove, in our language Novogorode, where
muth fine flax and hemp groweth, and alfo much wax and honey. The Dutch mer-
chants have a ftaple houfe there. There is alfo great {tore of hides, and at a place called
Plefco: and thereabouts is great ftore of flax, hemp, wax, honey; and that town is
from Colmogro 120 miles.

There is a place called Vologda, the commodities whereof are tallow, wax, and flax ;
but not fo great plenty as is in Gratanove. From Vologda to Colmogro there runneth
a river called Duyna, and from thence it falleth into the fea. Colmogro ferveth Gra-
tanove, Vologda, and the Mofco, with all the country thereabout, with falt and falt fith.
From Vologda to Jeraflave is two hundred miles; which town is very great: the com-
modities thereof are hides, and tallow, and corn in great plenty, and fome wax, but not
fo plentiful as in other places.

‘The Mofco is from Jeraflave two hundred miles. The country betwixt them is very
well replenifhed with {mall villages, which are fo well filled with people, that it is wonder
to fee them: the ground is well {tored with corn, which they carry to the city of Mofce
in fuch abundance, that it is wonder to fee it. You fhall meet in a morning feven or
eight hundred fledges coming or going thither, that carry corn and fome carry fifh.
You fhall have fome that carry corn to the Mofco, and fome that fetch corn from thence,
that at the leaft dwell a thoufand miles off; and all their carriage is on fledges. Thofe
which come fo far dwell in the north parts of the duke’s dominions, where the cold
will fuffer no corn to grow, itis fo extreme. ‘They bring thither fifhes, furs, and beafts’
fkins. In thofe parts they have but fmall ftore of cattle.

The Molco itfelf is great: I take the whole town to be greater than London with the
fuburbs; but it is very rude, and ftandeth without all order. Their houfes are all of
timber, very dangerous for fire. There is a fair caftle, the walls whereof are of brick,


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