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are in like fort ferved with bread from the Emperor, as the reft of the guefts. Latt of
all, dinner being ended, and candles brought in, (for by this time night was come) the
Emperor calleth all his guefts and noblemen by their names, in fuch fort, that it feems
miraculous, that a prince otherwife occupied in great matters of eftate, fhould fo well
remember fo many and fundry particular names. The Ruffles told our men, that the
reafon thereof, as alfo of the beftowing of bread in that manner, was to the end that the
Emperor might keep the knowledge of his own houfhold: and withal, that fuch as
are under his difpleafure, might by this means be known.
Of the difcipline of war among the Ruffes.
Whenfoever the injuries of their neighbours do call the King forth to battle, he
never armeth a lefs number againft the enemy than three hundred thoufand foldiers,
one hundred thoufand whereof he carrieth out into the field with him, and leaveth the
reft in garrifon in fome fit places, for the better fafety of his empire. He prefleth no
hufbandman nor merchant ; for the country is fo populous, that thefe being left at home,
the youth of the realm is fufficient for all his wars. As many as go out to warfare do
provide all things of their own coft: they fight not on foot, but altogether on horfe-
back: their armour is a coat of mail and a helmet: the coat of mail is gilded, or elfe
adorned with filk, although it pertain to a common foldier: they have a great pride in
fhewing their wealth: they ufe bows and arrows, as the Turks do: they carry lances
alfo into the field. They ride with a fhort flirrup, after the manner of the Turks. They
are a kind of people moft {paring in diet, and moft patient in extremity of cold, above
all others; for when the ground is covered with fnow, and is grown terrible and hard
with the froft, this Ruffle hangs up his mantle, or foldier’s coat, againft that part from
whence the wind and {now drives, and fo making a little fire, lieth down with his back
towards the weather: this mantle of his ferves him for his bed, wall, houfe and all: his
drink is cold water of tne river, mingled with oatmeal, and this is all his good cheer,
and he thinketh himfelf well, and daintily fed therewith, and fo fitteth down by his fire,
and upon the hard ground, roafteth as it were his weary fides thus daintily ftuffed; the
hard ground is his feather-bed, and fome block or ftone his pillow: and as for his horfe,
he is as it were a chamber fellow with his mafter, faring both alike. How juftly may
this barbarous and rude Ruffe condemn the daintinefs and nicenefs of our captains, who
living in a foil and air much more temperate, yet commonly ufe furred boots and cloaks!
But thus much of the furniture of their common foldiers. But thofe that are of higher
degrees come into the field a little better provided. As for the furniture of the Emperor
himfelf, it is then above all other times moft notable. The coverings of his tent, for
the moft part, are all of gold, adorned with ftones of great price, and with the curious
workmanfhip of plumafiers. As often as they are to {kirmifh with the enemy, they go
forth without any order at all: they make no wings, nor military divifions of their men,
as we do, but lying for the moft part in ambufh, do fuddenly fet upon the enemy-
Their horfes can well abftain two whole days from any meat: they feed upon the barks
of trees, and the moft tender branches, in all the time of war. And this fcant and mi-
ferable manner of living both the horfe and his mafter can well endure, fometimes for
the fpace of two months, lufty and in good ftate of body. If any man behave himfelf
valiantly in the field, to the contentation of the Emperor, he beftoweth upon him in re-
compenfe of his fervice fome farm, or fo much ground as he and his may live upon,
which notwithftanding after his death returneth again to the Emperor, if he die without
VOL. I. F a male
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