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pole to be elevated 69° 40’; and this night at twelve o’clock we had forty-one fathoms
red fand.

The feventeenth day, at three in the morning, we had twelve fathoms. At nine we
had eight and feven. All this day we ran S. and S. by, W., at the depth aforefaid, red
fand, being but fhallow water. At eight in the afternoon, the wind with a fhower and
thunder came to the S. W., and then we ran E.N.E. At twelve at night it came to
the S. and by E.; and all this was in the bay of Pechora.

The eighteenth day, at feven in the morning, we bare with the headland of the bay,
where we found two iflands: there are alfo overfals of water or tides. We went be-
tween the main and the ifland, next to the head, where we had about two fathoms and
a half: we found the pole elevated 69° 13/.. This day we had fight of Vaigatz: the
land of the main of Pechora did trend S. E.; we hald E.S. E. and had ten fathoms oze
all the fame day until four in the afternoon, then being calm we anchored in ten fathoms
all the fame night.

The nineteenth day, at two in the morning, we fet fail, and ran S, and S. S. W. all
the fame day at eight, feven, and fix fathoms; this was off the S. part of Vaigatz ; this
part of the land lieth N. and S. This day, at four in the afternoon, we found fhallow
water, fometimes four fathoms, fometimes three, and two and a half, and one fathom
and a half; there we anchored, and fent our boat away to found, and all to leeward
we had four feet, and three fect, and two feet ; there was not water for the boat between
Vaigatz and the other fide: finding no more water, there was no other way but to go
back as we came in, having the wind N, W.; fo at twelve at night we fet fail.

The twentieth day we plied to the northwards, and got deep water again fix and feven

The twenty-firft day, the wind by the N. W., we hald along the coaft N. andN.N. W.;
we had eight, and nine, and ten fathoms.

The twenty-fecond day the wind came to the S. W.; we bare along the coaft of
Vaigatz, as we found it to lie N. and by W., and N.N. W., and N.; the wind blew
very much with great fog: we lacking water and wood bare within an ifland, where we
found great ftore of wood and water; there were three or four goodly rounds. Under
two points there was a crofs fet up, and a man buried at the foot of it. Upon the faid
crofs Mater Pet did grave his name, with the date of our Lord, and likewife upon a
ftone at the foot of the crofs, and fo did I alfo; to the end that if the William did chance
to come thither, they might have knowledge that we had been there. At eight in the
afternoon the wind came to the N. N. W., we fet fail and turned out of the bay. The
fame night the wind came to the W., fo that we lay N. along the land.

The twenty-third day, at five in the morning, the wind came to the S. W.; a fea board
we faw a great number of fair iflands, to the number of fix; a fea board of thefe iflands
there are many great overfals, as great ftreams or tides; we hald N. E and E.N. FE. as
the land did,trend. At eight aforenoon the wind came to the S.E. with very much
wind, rain, and fog, and very great ftore of ice a fea board; fo we lay to the S. W. to
attain to one of the iflands to harbour us if the weather did-fo extremely continue, and
to take in our boat, thinking it meet fo to do, and not to tow her in fuch weather.
About twelve of the clock it became very calm upon the fudden, and came up to the
W.N.W. and N. W. by W., and then we took in our boat; and this done, there
came down fo much wind as we were not able to fteer afore it, with corfe and bonnets
of each, we hald S. with the land, for fo the land did trend. This day all the afternoon
we failed under a great land of ice, we failed between the land and it, being not able to
crofs it. About twelve at night we found the ice to ftretch into the land, that we could

VOL; I. L : not

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