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much wind, fo that we lay in drift with the ice, and our drift wasS.; for the wind was
at N.all this night, and we had great ftore of fnow.

The fourteenth day in the morning we made our fhip faft to a piece of ice, and let
her drive with it. In the mean time we mended our boat and our fteerage. All this
day the wind continued northerly, and here we had threefcore and two fathoms: thus
we lay adrift all the fame night.

The fifteenth day we fet fail at fix in the morning, the wind being atN.E. At nine
aforenoon we entered into a clear fea without ice, whereof we were moft glad, and not
without great caufe, and gave God the praife. We had nineteen fathoms water, and
ran in S. W. all the morning until we came to fourteen fathoms, and thence we haled
W. till we came to ten fathoms, and then we went N. W., for fo the land doth trend.
At twelve of the clock we had fight of the land, which we might have had fooner, but
it was dark and foggy all the fame day ; for when we had fight of the land, we were
not pafling three leagues from it, This day we had the pole elevated 69° 49’. All day
we ran along the coaft in ten and nine fathoms pepered fand. It is a very goodly coat
and a bold, and fair foundings off it, without fands or rocks.

The fixteenth day the wind was at E. This day we were troubled again with ice,
but we made great fhift with it, for we got between the fhore and it. This day, at
twelve of the clock, we were thwart of the S. E. part of Vaigatz, all along which part
there was great ftore of ice, fo that we ftood in doubt of paflage, yet by much ado we
got betwixt the fhore and it. About fix in the afternoon was found a great white bear
upon a piece of ice. All this day in the afternoon it was dark with fog; and all the
night we haled N., and N. by W., and fometime N. and by E., for fo doth the land

The feventeenth day in the morning we haled W.., for fo doth the land lie: the wind
was at S.E., and it was very dark with fog, and in running along the fhore we fell
aground, but God be praifed without hurt, for we came prefently off again. The
William came to an anchor to ftay for us, and fent fome of their men to help us, but
before they came we were under fail; and as we came to the William we did ftow our
boats and made fail, we went within fome of the iflands, and haled W.S. W.

About two of the clock in the afternoon we fet our courfe S. W. and by S.; fo we
ran S. W. until twelve at night, the wind came to the N. N. E., and then we haled W.

The eighteenth day, at fix in the morning, we had fixteen fathoms red fand; at fix
in the morning, thirteen fathoms ; at ten, fourteen fathoms, and we haled W.N. W.
At twelve a clock the wind came to the E., and E. by S., we haled W. and by N. all
the fame day and night. At fix in the afternoon we had feventeen fathoms red fand.

The nineteenth day the wind was at E. N. E.: at fix in the morning we had nineteen
fathoms red fand: at twelve of the clock the wind blew N. and N. by E.; we had
feventeen fathoms of water, at three in the afternoon fifteen.

The twentieth day wind was at N. E. andN.N.E.: at feven in the morning we had
thirty fathoms black oze: at twelve of the clock we were upon the fudden in fhoal
water, among great fands, and could find no way out: by founding and feeking about
we came aground, and fo did the William, but we had no hurt, for the wind was off
the fhore, and the fame night it was calm: ail night we did our beft, but we could not
have her afloat. ‘Thefe fhoals do lie off Colgoyeve ; it is very flat aygreat way off, and
it doth not high above two or three feet water; it floweth N.E. and S. W.

The twenty-firlt day the wind was at S. W,, and being very fair weather we did
lighten our fhips as much as was poffible for us to do, by reafon of the place. ‘The
fame high water, bythe help of God, we got both afloat, and the wind being at the S.W.
did help us, for it caufed it to flow the more water.

I This

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