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at fix o’clock the wind came to the S. W., and we went N. W. At nine in the night
there came down fo much wind by the W. S. W., that we were fain to lay it i hull,
we haled it to northwards for the fpace of two hours, and then we laid her head to the
fouthwards, and at the break of day we faw land, which is very high, and is called by
the men of the country Fouleneffe. It is within full of {mall iflands, and without full
of rocks very far out, and within the rocks you have fair fand at twenty fathoms.

The third day in the morning we bare with the found aforefaid: within it is but
fhoal water, four, five and three fathoms, fa: ady ground, the land is very high,‘ and
the church that is feen is called Helike Kirke. It doth high here not above eight or
nine feet.

The twelfth day at three in the afternoon, we put into a found by Lowfoot, where
it doth flow S. W. and by S. and doth hich feven or eight feet water.

The thirteenth day much wind at W.: we had a ledge of rocks in the wind of us
but the road was reafonable good for all foutherly and welterly winds. We had the
main land in the wind of us: this day was ftormy with rain.

The twenty-third day at four of the clock in the afternoon we put into Norway, into
a found called Romefal, where it floweth S. S. E., and doth high eight feet water.
This place is full of low iflands, and many good founds without the high mountain
land. Here is great {tore of wood growing, as fir, birch, oak, and hazel: all this
night the wind was at the S. very much wind with rain and fog.

The twenty-eight day in the morning the wind being at E. N. E. we fet fail at eight
of the clock, and haled out of the bay W. S. W. and S. W., having a goodly gale
until one of the clock, and then the wind came to S. E. andto the S. with rain and
fog, and very much wind : at fix of the clock we came into a very good road, where
we did ride all the fame night in good fafety.

The twenty-ninth day we put into a good found, the wind being by the S. W.:
three in the afternoon there came down very much wind by the S.. ., and all night ith
vehement blafts, and rain.

‘Lhe thirtieth day all day the wind was at W. S. W. And in this found the pole is
elevatéd 63° 10’.

The firft day. of October the wind was at S. with very much wind, and vehement

The feventh day we fet fail: for from the firft of this month until this feventh day.
we had very foul weather, but {pecially the fourth day when the wind was fo great, that
our cables brake with the very ftorm, and I do not think that it is poffible that any
more wind than that was fhould blow: for after the breaking of our cable, we did
drive a league, before our anchers would take any hold: but God be thanked the
{torm began to flack, otherwife we had been in ill cafe.

The feventh day at night we came to an anchor until the next day, which was the eight
day of the month, when asthe wind grew great avain with rain, whereupon we fet fail
and returned into the found again: and at our firl ft coming to an ,anchor, prefently
there blew fo much wind, that although our bet anchor was ont, yet the extremity of
the ftorm drove us upon a ledge of rocks, and did bruife our thip i in fuch fort, that we
were conftrained to lighten her to fave her, and by this means (by the help of =
we got off our fhip and {topped our leaks, and moored her in good fatety abiding for a
wind. We rid from this day by reafon of contrary winds, with fog and rain, until
the twenty-fourth day, which day in the morning the wind came to the N. E., and at
eight of the clock we fet fail. his found is called Moore Sound, where it hieth about
five feet water, and floweth S.S.E. The next day being the twenty-fifth day we put


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