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that they had no longer hopes of being able to difengage themfelves and to have a free
navivation. -
On the thirtieth the flakes of ice began again to gather in heaps more and more,
around the veilel, to which a ftrong wind contributed much, and the fnow which fell
in thick flakes, and increafed the height of thefe dangerous ramparts which furrounded
it. There was a dreadful cracking every where both within and around the fhip, and
they were in dread of feeing it burft and break to pieces.
As the ice was much more heaped up under the veffel on the fide whence the cur-
rent proceeded, than the other, it firft lay very much inclined; but finally it
gathered in heaps in the fame manner on the other fide, and by this means the veffel
was fet upright again, and lifted on thefe banks of ice, asif it had been intentionally
raifed with fcrews or other machines.
On the thirty-firf’ more flakes of ice floated towards thofe at the head, and en-
tirely raifed up the prow; fo that the ftem was elevated four or five feet higher than
the reft of the veflel, and the {tern was funk between the ice, asina pit. ‘They were
in hopes this incident would preferve the rudder, and that the flakes of ice would no
more ftrike againft it; but this did not prevent its breaking as well as the tiller. Never-
thelefs if it was not able to fave the rudder, there is every appearance that it contributed
the moft to preferve the body of the vefiel. For if the ftern frame had been expofed
to the flakes of ice which inceffantly floated, like the prow, they would have lifted up
the whole veffel, and finally overfet it, or even it might have filled the lower part with
water, which was much feared.
Under this apprehenfion they had already got the fhallop and yawl on the ice to re-
tire to, and after having waited for four hours in anxious expectation of what might
happen, the ice began to feparate and was carried away by the current. They all re-
garded this new incident asa deliverance fent by God, and laboured with all their might
to refit the rudder and tiller. It was afterwards judged proper to unhang it, in order
that if they were again befet with the ice, it might run no more hazard.
On the firft of September the flakes of ice began again to heaptogether, fo that the
whole body of the veffel was raifed two feet, and neverthelefs remained entire. In the
afternoon they made the neceflary preparations to draw the yawl and thallop to fhore.
On the fecond the veffel was ftill more raifed by new flakes, which occafioned it to
crack fo dreadfully, and even to ftart in feveral places, that notwithitanding the bad
weather they refolved to drag the yawl to land with thirteen cafks of biicuits, and two
fmall cafks of wine.
On the third the veffel was befet with frefh flakes of ice, which united with thofe
which already furrounded it, and held it fo faft. ‘then the after-piece which was at
the {tern poft feparated, but the fheathing {till remaimed. The cable which was an-
chored to the wind alfo broke, as well as a new cable which they had faftened to the
ice : fo that it was to be wondered at that the body of the veffel fhould remain entire,.
confidering the violence, the quantity and the fize of the flakes of ice, fome of which.
were feen floating as high as the falt mountains feen in Spain, and were only at mufket
fhot diftance from the veflel.
On the fifth after fupper, the banks of ice preTed fo againft the veffel, that it re-
mained quite inclined on one fide, and was greatly injured, though always without
feparating. Neverthelefs as they imagined it could not refift much longer, they carried.
to fhore an old fore-fail, powder, lead, firelocks, mufkets, and other arms, in order
to make a tent near the place where wasthe yawl. They alfo carried more bifcuit, and.
wine, with carpenters’ inficuments, to refit the fhallop if neceflary. Befides there i
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