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out to fea and meetit. The mafter went on board the bark, and afked at what diftance
they were yet from Candnoes; but he could not learn any thing, being unacquainted.
with the language. ‘They extended five fingers, and the Dutch imagined this fignified
that there were five crofles on the coaft. ‘They alfo drew out their {teering compals,
and fhewed that the lands lay to the N. W. of them, and the Dutch found the fame by
their compafs.
As the matter perceived he could derive no intelligence from them, he entered
farther into the bark, and pointing to a cafk of fifh, atked if they would fell it, and
prefented them a piece of forty fols. ‘They comprehended his intention, and gave
him a hundred and two fith, with little cakes which they had cooked in the water in
which they had boiled their fifh. About noon they parted, the Dutch crew remaining
yery much fatisfied at having obtained a little provifion, becaufe for a length of time
they had only had each four ources per day, with water, and nothing more. They
divided the fifth equally between them, without the leat diftinction.
On the thirteenth two failors landed in order to difcover if the point of Candnoes
ftretched far into the fea. At their return they faid there was every appearance that it
was the fame point they had conceived, and on this the {pirits of all the crew being
revived they rowed with great exertion along the coaft. At three in the afternoon they
obferved that the cape which they had feen appeared at fome diftance to the S., and no
longer doubted then that this was the Cape of Candnoes, whence they hoped to enter
the mouth of the White Sea. With this intention the veflels approached each other
fide to fide, and ftood out to fea in order to pafs the White Sea, and go to Ruflia,
according to their idea. They failed with tolerable fuccefs till midnight when there
arofe a violent tempeft from the N., which feparated the two veflels from one
On the fourteenth the weather clearing up, the crew of the {chuyt difcovered the others
juft within the reach of the eye, and ufed every exertion to rejoin them, but in vain, on
account of a great mift which arofe. On the fifteenth they had a fine breeze, and
about noon difcovered land. They then imagined that they were to the welt of the
White Sea, beyond Candnoes.
When they were near to land they faw fix barks of Ruffians lying at anchor. They
falited them, and aiked them at what diftance they were from Kilduin or Kildun.
The Ruffians gave them to under{tand that they were ftill very far from it, and that
they were only on the eaftern coaft of Candnoes. ‘They ftretched out their arms to
fignify that it was neceflary to pals the White Sea, and that it would be very perilous
to undertake this voyage with fuch {mall veffels. The Dutch having requelted fome
provilions, they gave them a loaf, which they ate with great appetite notwith{tanding
its drynefs. Neverthelefs though they fufficiently comprehended, the crew of the
fchuyt could not perfuade themfelves that they were at the place which was fignified to
them: they were willing at any rate to believe that they had pafled the White Sea.
On the fixteenth De Veer fteered towards a bark, which he faw to ftarboard, and to
which he came up with great difficulty. They afked the Ruffian crew if they were
near Zemlia of Cool, or otherwife Kilduin. ‘The Ruffians fhook their head, and gave
them to underftand they were only at Zemlia of Candnoes. The Dutch were ftill
unwilling to believe them. ‘They entreated them to give them fome provifions. The
Ruffians gave them fome plaice, and the mafter having paid a piece of filver for them,
tacked about in order to enter achannel before which they then were, and through
which they would pals into the fea.
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