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Saturday, the twenty-fixth, after dining with the ambaflador, we went to fee a flip
launched : afterwards the abbot Hennegan, one of the almoners of the embafly, accom-
panied me to fee the churches of St. Catherine and. St. Nicholas; which are tolerably
Sunday, the twenty-feventh, he conduéted me and M. de Maupertuis to the church
of St. Claire, to fee the Lutheran office performed. The officiator had a chafuble, at
the back of which was a crucifix embroidered in filver: they fang in the Swedifh lan-
guage the Gloria in Exceltis, Credo, Sanctus, and the Pater Nofter: feveral perfons’
received the communion, and returned very devoutly, apparently with great felf-fatis-
faclion. ‘Their finging, accompanied by the organ, appeared to me very fine. Dunng
the fermon a beadle carried a long cane, with which he hit the heads of fuch as were:
afleep ; it is his office as well, in a large purfe, which he advances into the crowd at the
end of a long cane, to collec the alms for the church.
Another day we went to the Greek office of the Mufcovite fchifmatics, in a chapel
which they are allowed to hold at Stockholm. The congregation confifted of not more
than a dozen or fifteen perfons, among which was a young man who {poke French very
well; he caufed us to enter the fanctuary which is clofed, In entering the chapel: they
make a number of reverences to the holy images, and the reft of the congregation, and
after every bow a fign of the crofs. ‘There is always a good fire in chafing-difhes: the
officiating prieft frequently throws in incenfe ; he makes ufe of warm water to mix with
the wine in the chalice. Their finging is very fingular ; they repeat with. quicknefs
certain words, but fo quickly as to be almoft out of breath, as if we were to repeat over
and over Deo gratias, Deo gratias, Deo gratias. Their ceremonies are performed in a.
flovenly manner: the prieft blows his nofe occafionally through his fingers; in other
refpects they have a very devout appearance.
The twenty-ninth I went with the abbot Hennegan to fee the King’s library. M.
Benkfilius, the librarian, fhewed us whatever there was curious: he made mea prefent
of a Lapland manual, which is a prayer-book in the Lapland tongue, telling me I fhould
be the patriarch of the Laplanders.
The thirty-firft we went to the office for geographical maps. There are feveral per-
fons who are employed in arranging the geography of that country: during the winter
they meafure over the ice; andin the fummer they digeft their meafurements, and draw
their maps with much order and exactnefs. The King of Sweden had the goodnefs to
order them in the office to give us drafts of the coafts of the Gulf of Bothnia, where
we relied on making our experiments. In confequence, a beautiful draft of the
weftern fide was prefented to us, which we carried with us: there was not before
our departure fufhicient time to complete the eaftern fide, but it was fent to us fome
days after.
We went the fame day to fee the King’s garden, where we faw in green-houfes orange-
trees, with oranges on them. We had before noticed in other gardens ivy, fach as
creeps on our walls, planted in pots, and which appeared to be highly efteemed.
We then went to Carlfberg, a royal palace, and to Ulrikfdale, another, where
there is a tolerably large park with plenty of game.
Stockholm is a fine and large city; all the houfes of the city, and part of thofe of the
fuburbs, are of ftone, well built, and four or five ftories high: the other part of the
houfes in the fuburbs are of wood ; they are built with f{quare beams placed horizontally,
laid one upon the other, their extremities crofling at the angles of every apartment
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