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our failors had laid in provifions for more than two or three days; in the mean time
we had no profpe& of fair weather, and had already begun to divide the provifions
which we had remaining among our foldiers: we therefore difpatched five of them to
‘Turtula on Friday evening for victuals for us and for themfelves.

Saturday, the eleventh, the weather becoming fine, we began our obfervations at three
o’clock in the morning, and they were completed before noon: we fent our baggage
down to the foot of the mountain, thinking that the foldiers fent to Turtula would make
hafte back. ‘The boats returned, and we embarked at five in the evening: we had
difficulty in crofling ; a very violent contrary wind had rofe, and the boats were not
found; the failors took the precaution of keeping clofe to the fide, to be under fhelter
from the wind by the foreft. It was ten o’clock before we reached ‘Turtula: we {upped
at the farmer’s at Martila, and although there were two empty beds, Meflrs. de Mau-

ertuis and Celfius flept in a tent, which was pitched before the houfe; and as three
could not commodiouily fleep in it, I returned to fleep on the bench which had been my
bed before.

M. Le Monnier had fent back the boat which carried him to Ofwer Torneo, and we
had five on the bank of the great river. We went on board them with all our baggage
on Sunday, the twelfth, at nine in the morning, and arrived fomewhat before two o’clock
at Ruktula, where we dined. We afterwards croffed the river to go to the houfe of
M. Brunius, the paftor of Ofwer Torneo: we found at the water-fide Meffrs. Clairaut
and Camus, with M. Le Monnier, who was much recovered. The weather was de-
lightful, and the air free from flies ; together we took rather a long walk, entertaining
ourfelves with plans for fpending the winter at Torneo: we met all at M. Brunius’s,
who with much politenefs offered us his houfe.

M. de Maupertuis willingly took upon himfelf whatever was laborious, and infifted
upon every one faring better, or lefs ill than himfelf. I did not {pare myfelf, particu-
larly when I had to accompany him; notwithftanding he obliged me to remain at M.
Brunius’s to take repofe. I {topped with Meffrs. Le Monnier, Sommereux, and Her-
belot, who had remained there fince their departure from Avafaxa; and Meflrs. de
Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, and Celfius, departed on Monday, the thirteenth, at nine
in the morning, to make obfervations on mount Horrilakero.

Mefirs. Clairaut and Camus had determined the bafe, and caufed a fignal to be con-
ftructed at each of its extremities. Meffrs. Le Monnier, Sommereux, and myfelf, after
dinner took a walk to the fignal at the northern extremity of the bafe; we fecured the
centre by different directions taken from the neighbouring trees, which we marked,
that we might know its pofition again, in cafe of any accident; and as we could not fee
the fignal on Avafaxa from this one, on account of the trees on the fummit of that
mountain, | went up it with two failors in order to fell them. I rejoined Meffrs. Le
Monnier and Sommereux, and we returned together to the houfe of M. Brunius.

I went by myfelf in the evening to take a walk on the little mountain Sarki Wara,
which joins the Prefbytery ; from the top of it I had a moft beautiful view towards the
the fouth, along the courfe of the river as far as Kainenkyla ; the weather delightful, and
no gnats.

M. Brunius returned from Hieta Niemi, a chapel of eafe to Ofwer Torneo: we
fupped with him and Mad. Brunia: he exercifed the functions of curate, and expected,
to fucceed his father in the reCtory of Ofwer Torneo, who was blind and incapacitated
from fulfilling his duties.

Tuefday, the fourteenth, at nine in the morning, I fet off alone with three failors in
a boat to go to the fouthern extremity of the bafe, in order to fecure the centre of the

voL. I PP fignal ;

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