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Beyond Torneo, in going up the river, every countryman has a kind of pavilion, which
they call Cotta, larger at top than at the bottom, and higher than the reft of the houfe,
at top of which, at the end ofa long pole, is a weather-cock. Clofe to the window of the
cotta, without the houfe, there is a well; through the window the water is made to
pafs into cauldrons, where it is heated, and where {now for the cattle is fometimes thawed;
occafionally as w All they make their brandy there. Moreover they have their granaries,
which are feveral {mall apartments feparate from the houfe, their baths, their rooms for
drying and threfhing their barley, fomewhat refembling their baths ; and befides, their
kitchen, and room called Pyrti, of which I have before {poken: ordinarily they have two
very decent rooms for ftrangers, to whom they always offer the belt in every thing.

The burghers in town,’no more than the country people, ufe above one blanket on their
beds, a coverlid of mht hare-fkin ferves inftead of a fecond. Many of thefe farmers
have filver forks, large fpoons, and goblets; with thofe who are lefs rich they are of
wood: they are kind, ftudious of making themfeives ferviceable, and perfectly honeft.

I faid before that every farmer had his magazines ; the greater part of thofe of Tor-
neo are along the fide of the river. This magazine is a room built of wood, like the
others, but raifed from the ground; many even placed over the water, on four or fix
blocks of ftone, to keep away rats : they get up to them by a wooden ladder, which is
divided from the door by the fpace of a foot. It is in this room that they inclofea good
part of their provifion. Thole who are in eafy circumftances have feveral of thefe ma-


They are forbid having many coats of the fame colour : they are not allowed to wear
any cloth coat which is not marked in the folds with the King’s fignet ; any venturing
to do fo would have it feized. There are officers whofe duty itis to go from houfe to
houfe to fee if the chimney-places are properly kept; if they have a lanthorn; in fhort,
if every thing be in proper order.

They are forbidden alfo, under a penalty of fifteen hundred dollars, being prefent at
the mafs of the Catholics, to whom the laws of the kingdom only permit the exercife of
their religion in clofed apartments.

They feafon all their meats with fugar, faffron, ginger, lemon and orange-peel, and
mix cummin in all their bread. The ordinary drink is beer, which they make very
good: they have a little white wine at Torneo, which they call Vin de Picardon: all
red wines they call Pontaéte. Many country people know nothing of red wine: fome
of thofe who followed us to the mountains, feeing us drink of i it, imagined we were
drinking the blood of the fheep we had bought of them.

Along the river there are houfes from {pace to fpace, a certain number of which,
although very widely difperfed, make up a village. All thofe from Torneo, to a {pot
beyond the cataract of Waojenna, belong to the parifh of that town; and all north of
the cataract to that of Ofwer Torneo, that is to fay, Upper Torneo.

In this parifh of Upper Torneo there are as well two churches: the chief at Sarki
Luthti, where the rector Brunius lives ; the other at Hieta Niemi, where fervice is fome-
times performed, for the convenience of thofe parifhioners at too great a diftance from
the principal church. Befides thefe, there is a chapel at Kengis, with a chaplain, who
does the duty of the rector. The villages the moft apart are Turtula and Pello : at the
firft are only nine houfes; at Pello are feventeen, nine or ten of which are nearly con-
tiguous to each other.

~ At Pello the ninth of September there was rye already up, very green and promifing.
They cultivate the land with fhovels and fpades alone, and know nothing of either
ploughs or carts. The fecond of Oétober, as the earth was much frozen, they arene


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