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which M. de Maupertuis had left for me, in which he mentioned that M. Camus waited
for us at the copper mines of Fahlun. The houfe of the governor is about a quarter of
a mile out of the town: we dined with him, and went to rejoin M. Le Monnier, at
Rodbek, where he went in the morning to examine the mineral waters. We left Rod-
bek at fix in the evening, and arrived at Sodermiola at eleven o’clock ; which, after
changing horfes, we left at midnight.

On leaving Sodermiola, we had for three miles and a quarter, that is to fay, nearly
feven leagues, a woody eountry, without any houfe or fields; after which the country
is much better, but mountainous. Tuefday, the twenty-fifth, in going down thefe
mountains we faftened our wheels with a cord, which we had fixed to the fhafts for
that purpofe: the coachmen admired the invention, and exclaimed to one another,
Bra conf?, that is the excellent plan. ‘They are not wanting of genius; but they fee fo
few coaches, that it is not wonderful they fhould be ignorant of this fimple expedient.

We arrived at Hoonas at eight o’clock at night ; we fupped and pafled the night there,
during which a great deal of rain fell. We left it at five o’clock in the morning of
Wednefday, the twenty-fixth, paffing on to Dork{tat ; and by ten in the evening came
to the great river Angerman. The watermen made fome difficulty at ferrying us over,
becaufe there was a {trong fouth wind, and the water was much agitated. Neverthelefs,
feeing us anxious to get over, they made a deck of planks from one boat to another,
after firft tying and faftening them very tight, on which they placed the coach, with the
wheels on; and thus we pafled the river, which is full a league in breadth, and the
paflage of which was fo much the more difficult, from the body of the coach takirig a
great deal of wind, which happened to be contrary.

North of the great river, from the entrance into Angermania, the country is very
mountainous; but fouth of this great river the country is more even, with many lakes
in the vallies. The country as far as Maik is well cultivated: we faw more churches
alfo ; that of Sion, through which we paffed, is built entirely of brick, as. well as ano-
ther with a fteeple, which we perceived three quarters of a mile before we arrived at
Sundfwald : we faw another very little diftant from this, and in a country well cropt
with barley and rye ; both in agreeable fituations.

On Thurfday, the twenty-feventh, at half paft three in the afternoon, we arrived at
Sund{wald ; it is a little but pretty town: we left it at four o’clock, and arrived at fix
o’clock at Niuranda, and at midnight at Gnarp. The weather was fine, and one could
even yet fee to read. We reached Hermenger on Friday, the twenty-eighth, at three
o’clock in the morning: the church at this place is handfome, the belfry of ftone. We
pafled befide the town of Hudwickfwald, and arrived by nine at night at Noralea, which
is a large place, in the middle of a well cultivated plain. We crofled at midnight the
great river Liufna in a boat ; pafling on to Skoog and Hamrung, two confiderable vil-
lages, and arrived at Geffle, or Guiewle, on Saturday, the twenty-ninth, a little before

We paffed all the way without being troubled with gnats till Friday evening ; but the
laft night, and on Saturday, they were very troublefome. We left Geffle on Saturday,
at fix o’clock in the afternoon ; all night long we were incommoded with gnats. We
paffed by Bek and Hopo, through an unpleafant country, as far as Halftad, which is a
large village, fituated in a beautiful country: from there to Lingfore and Boriklo, which
is four miles to the fouth of Swerfio Kyrka, which is the parifh. The people returned
very late from church on Sunday, the thirtieth, and we were obliged to wait till four
o’clock at Boriklo, the road being fhut with a gate and chain till after fervice. The
road paffes in two places on caufeways, very long, elevated above the level, among

fields, lakes, and rivers: along thefe caufeways, which are faid to be natural, we met
6 with

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