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fpittle, tinged with the colour and tafte of tobacco, they eagerly fnuff, regaling two
fenfes at once, the fmell and tafte with one piece of tobacco. They make alfo a {nuff
of the fame tobacco, with which, if any thing is mingled, it is Caltor. And indeed,
that they fhould give the {tronger proof of their mad fondnefs, or rather mad defire
for tobacco ; when in want of it, they do not feruple to chew the rollers packed up in
the tobacco, and what you will exprefs greater furprife at, the little dirty leather bags,
in which they keep their tobaeco, when cut into {mall bits.
Among the Laplanders, elpecially the ruftics, inhabiting Finmrak, there is a cuftom,
that when ina fcarcity of tobacco, ten or even more {moke by turns from the fame pipe.
They fo order it; they fet down in a circle, then he who is fond of a pipe and tobacco,
after a few whiffs, from his feat, offers the pipe to him who fets next to him, who,
taking alfo two or three whiffs, pafles the pipe to his next man, and thus on, until the
owner, fhall have equally fhared it among all his companions; a courtfey of this kind is
efteemed very liberal and honourable in that nation, and he, who performs it, obtains
confiderable favor among them.
The daily and ordinary drink of the maritime Laplander, as well as mountaineer, is
cold water, mingled with {now ; for fnow when at hand, is always mingled with their
drink ; and hence it follows, that the veracity ef this author is quelftionable, who
afferts, that the Laplanders firft heat in a brazen kettle over the fire, the water they
intend to drink. In the imfide of the cot, aswell as hut, isa brazen kettle or tub, filled
with water. See Chapter V., on the houfes of the Laplanders, and tub which filled
with water, when they choofe, they drink of.
The Mountaineer, fearing the want of water, generally builds his cot on marfhy
grounds ; yet fometimes it happens, and that not feldom, that he is obliged to build in
dry, where through want of a fpring, he is compelled to drink fnow melted over
the’fire; a bitter, and very unpleafant drink, on account of the very bad tafte, which
fnow melted in an open kettle, contracts, as well from the kettle, as the fmoke.
Coming into places, where the water by reafon of the ice that covers it, or any other
caufe, cannot be eafily got, the Laplanders procure drink for themfelvesin this man-
ner: they put down at the one end, a hollow bone, or an earthen tube into the water,
holding the upper in their mouth, and thus, as by a pump, drink.
The Lapland Mountaineer, riding in winter through the mountains, ufually takes
his axe im his fledge with him, by which on his journey, over lakes and rivers frozen.
with cold, he cuts the ice, and inclining a little with his body fitting in his fledge,,
he drinks.
And this is fufficient on the meat-and drink of the Lapland people. But it deferves:
to be noticed, that the offices of cook are performed by males, not by females among
them ; for it is the father of the family himfelf that puts the meat and things into the
pot to be got ready, while drefling he fits by them, aad takes care that when boiled
and got ready they are laid onthe table. The Laplanders, rarely, wafh and clean their
pots and kettles. ‘Lhe plates, out of which they eat their pottage, they clean, by
licking with their tongue.
‘Cuar. VILl.—Of the various Furniture and Utenjils of the Laplanders.
THE whole economy of the Laplanders is fimple and fhort, fo as not to ftand in:
need of much furniture, nor if filled up with it, could they commodioufly make ufe of
it. The Laplanders of the mountain inhabit a fmall cot, which here to day, to-morrow
: = is:
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