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it fhould pleafe God to fend us thither; nor had we reafonable expectation of getting
relief in this place.

Sunday, the twenty-firft, one of our boys complained of his feet being fore; our
furgeon immediately viewing them, found the effect of the froft there up to his ancles;
efpecially one very dangeroufly : but by his fkill and diligence, he recovered them in
ten days.

Monday, the twenty-fecond, it proving fair, we fetcned a boat of wood ; great quan-
tities of which we burnt every day. And here it will not be amifs to mention our
manner of keeping fire. I caufed the iron hearth in the fore-caftle to be brought into
the fteerage, and ordered the carpenter to make a hearth as big as conveniently could
{tand in the fore-caftle ; which was five feet nine inches fquare every way. Then f
fent afhore for as much clay, and as many ftones as filled it up: this was fufficient to
accommodate fixteen men fitting clofe about it at once. Moreover I direéted the
cooper for making a chimney to the fteerage, in the manner following, viz. by ftaving
an empty butt, or pipe, and reducing the ftaves at one end, to the breadth of two
inches each, fo that being hooped again, it exceeded not the widenefs of a firkin at the
top, keeping the former breadth or capacity in the middle, ftill enlarging or ftanding
more open at the bottom. ‘The diftances or interftices there between the ftaves, we
filled with pieces of wood, and made all tight with clay and {tones, which when we had
fo finifhed, we placed upon the grating. This made the f{teerage very warm; but in all
the time we kept fire there, we were obliged to keep the door open for admittance of
wind, to give the fmoke vent. ,

About eight this night the wind came to the S. S. E. with {now and hard froft ; but
at two in the morning, there was clear good weather.

Tuefday the twenty-third, we had no foul weather, but fo clofe, that we could fearce
call that light we had, day. However we made fhift to get a boat of wood, being in
great fear of lofing the day wholly.

At eight at night it blew from the S.S.E., but towards midnight the wind came
more to the eaftward, with handfome weather.

Wednefday, the twenty-fourth, it proved fair and clear, the wind foutherly. We
cleared the deck of fnow and ice, which was grown a foot thick near the fcuppers.
*Twas fometimes fqually, but at eventide I faw the northern glance: that is, a ftream
of light enlightening all the hemifphere, fo as one may read very well with it. Tis of
a pale yellow or buff colour, like the inmoft circle of the rain-bow, appearing for a
quarter of an hour, then vanifhing and renewing itfelf again, by intervals during the
{pace of five or fix hours. Sometimes this meteor feems a bright nimble-moving cloud ;
at another time two of them, rufhing and encountering one another, like armies en-
-gaged, and now and then I have thought with a grumbling noife akin to thunder. We
reckon the froft to occafion them, and whatever reflects or emits the light in that man-
ner, cannot be far from the eye, being fo plainly to be difcerned, and fo exceeding fwift.

Thurfday, the twenty-fifth, it being fair, I endeavoured to clear the hawfe, but there
was fo much ice upon the cables, I could not do it. ‘This day two of my men went up
the hills, but wanted light, to make a difcovery.

Friday, the twenty-fixth, ftill fair and clear, and by the light we had, I brought my
beft bower cable, to the {take on fhore, and ferved it well with old ropes, to prevent its
chafing : the wind at E. N. E. and freezing hard.

Saturday, the twenty-feventh, it proved fair and calm, with fome little fnow. I gota
Beat peat of water, and ferved all our cables to prevent chafing, both afhore and at
the hawle,


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