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tioned, and the willow-bark dried. Thefe they now begin to fhred fmall with a knife,
and mix together in proportions according to each man’s fancy, and to fill their pipes
therewith. All that take tobacco know thefe have no agreement with the other as to
virtue and effects; nor yield the like pleafure nor benefit: but the fmoke, I am fure,
was not ungrateful, and poffibly not unwholefome, both for the takers and company ;
and, in my opinion, it was no mean invention, in fuch extreme neceflity.
Saturday, the eighth, the weather as bad as the day before, both of wind and fnow,
and freezing hard. However we cleared our decks of fnow and ice, and ftowed what
wood we could fpare out of the forecaftle and fteerage, to make fit for the fea, having
hopes that it would pleafe God to give us opportunity by this light moon.
Sunday, the ninth, the night paft was very ftormy, blowing hard ftill in the morn-
ing atS.S E. with exceflive froft and fome fnow; but towards noon the weather
mended in all refpects.
Monday, the tenth, we had a ftorm out of the N. W., violent and furious, and, I
think, with the moft wind that ever I obferved in my life, though I have ufed the fea
thefe thirty-eight years. It fnowed very hard withal, and froze at a great rate, info-
much that the forepart of the fhip, by the dafhing of the water again{t her, and the
mounting of the foam by the tempeft, had nothing but what was covered with ice.
Tuefday, the eleventh, it continued blowing hard at N. W., with fhow and hard froft.
The night paft we loft thirteen pieces of beef, as they hung a-watering ; which was a
great mortification to us. For our way was to put our beef into a wicker hamper, and
hang it by a rope at the fhip’s fide two feet under water ; now the rope gathering a quan-
tity of ice, and the exceflive wind giving the fhip fome motion, it was thereby chafed
afunder, and the beef let drop. It is to be obferved, that we could not frefhen our
meat after the ufual manner at fea, by putting the fame into a tub of fea-water ; for that
would have been all ice in a few hours, and the flefh ftill as hard and falt as before: the
wicker hamper too was to preferve it from voracious fifhes, as the feal before fpoken of.
Wednefday, the twelfth, it blew frefh at S.S. W., and froze fmartly. We got our
warp anchor and two haufers on board, and made four pair of graplines or creepers,
with which we went to try if we could hank the hamper, and recover the beef we
loft two nights before; but we were not fo lucky as to light upon it.
But my mate in holding the line, while he was creeping or fearching for the ham-
per, got the froft in his fingers, infomuch that the next morning he found blifters rifen
upon them, and his thumbs as if they had been fcalded. And after the water was let
out by opening them, his hands were fo raw as to make him incapable of going a-
Thurfday, the thirteenth, the wind was at S. E. and moderate enough, but the cold
as rigorous as at any time before, and this day with a confiderable rime froft. How-
ever we got a boat load of wood; but when our men came aboard, they complained
much of the froft being got into their feet and hands; fome only bliftered, others
turned black, and without feeling. Our chirurgeon opened the blifters, and by fo-
mentations and other applications he recovered them ; and where it was turned black,
he cut off the dead and fenfelefs part, and healed them after fome time: wherein he
manifefted himfelf to have a good underftanding in his bufines, by the fuccefs he had ;
feeing none had any lofs of an entire part or joint, but purely of what flefh or fkin was
mortified before he faw it: and they all became ferviceable by that time J got home,
or foon after. In juftice and gratitude I am obliged to mention his name, W1LL1AM
Brown, of Great Yarmouth, and educated there under his father of the fame pro-
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