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*¢ On the part of the czars and grand princes, John Alexiowitz and Peter Alexiowitz,
fovereigns of all the Ruffias, the great, the lefs, and the white, to our ftolnik and
governor of Puftofer, John Matweowitz Kaftire. A requeit has been prefented to
our high lordfhips from the Samoiedes Gongorfki and Petcherfki, in which thefe people
inform us that they are in poffeflion of letters patent, granted to them by our ancelftors
at a diftant period, when thefe people in 7033 (which correfponds to the year 1525
of the common era) requefted to be taken under the dominion of that great lordly
czar and grand prince, Wafili Iwanowitz, fovereign of all the Ruflias, of happy me-
mory ; in which it was ordained that they were to be received by our powerful hand
in quality of fubje€ts, and be protected from any foreign infult, in confideration of
their paying their tribute in peltry at Petchora and Puftofer. In courfe of time,
namely, in 7105 (1597), our great-grandfather, the great lordly czar and grand
prince, Feodor Iwanowitz, fovereign of all the Ruffias, of happy memory, granted to
them that they fhould pay their tribute only in conformity to the ancient regifters at
Puftofer, and that they fhould have allowance to colleé this tribute among themfelves.
And whereas according to the complaints they make, thefe tributes are demanded of
them at Berefowa andin Me/en, without giving them quittances for what is received,
and are made to pay this tribute again at Puftofer ; they intreat that in conformity to
the letters patent in exiftence, it be enjoined that they may be proceeded with in a
manner conformable to the preceding ordonnances ; that they may have the permif-
‘fion of collecting the tribute of {kins among themfelves at one fpot, namely, Puitofer,
and that it may be forbidden they fhould be required to pay a fecond time at Berefowa
and Mefen, or that any violence be offered them, in order that they may not be obliged
to difperfe and abandon the country, which would caufe the fovereign to lofe his
tribute. It has as well been reprefented to us that the Karatfchefkoi Samoiedes, and
the families depending on them, in a petition figned with the marks common among
thefe people, every year deliver a great number of fkins as their tribute to our receiver
at Berefowa, and not knowing whether the faid tribute be forwarded entire to our
high lordfhips at Mofcow, they have given a fpecification, figned with ‘their ufual
marks, of the furplus which they annually pay to our receiver at Pu/ofer, the foldier
Stainka Wolouquenin. Now, in confequence of thefe petitions we ordain that imme-
diately after receiving thefe prefent letters, thou mayeit take meafures for hindering
the faid Samoiedes Gongorfki and Pet{cherfki from being any longer obliged to pay any
other tril ute than that impofed upon them by our anceftors ; and farther, that they
have the permiffion of collecting this tribute by themfelves in conformity to their pe-
tition, according to the ancient regifters ; and that there be granted to them for re-
ceiver of the faid tribute, whichfoever of the people in our fervice they may themfelves
fele& ; that thou take as well efpecial care that the faid receivers of tribute offer no
violence to thefe Samoiede people, by requiring or extorting from them, for their indi-’
vidual advantage, any thing beyond what is impofed on them; and that the whole
being collected together be carried to Pu/tfer, as before. And after thefe people
fhall become accuftomed to pay their tribute at Puftofer, thou fhalt fend to us the
faid tribute regularly every year, without fuffering any deduction, and this by the
ceiver,accompanied by any Samoiede which they may choofe for this purpofe,and caufe
him to be brought directly before our high lordfhips at Mofcow, in the chancellary or
pricafie of Novogorod. Let no tribute be a fecond time required of thefe Samoiedes,
Gongorfki and Petfcherfki, at Berefowa, or in Mefen ; let them be protected from
all foreign infult, and have particular care that no violence be done them, And after
*9 *¢ having
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