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fails and rigging. By the exertions of thefe officers, whofe talents cannot be too highly
praifed, my frigate was entirely equipped in four days, with fix months provifion on
board. She fell down to the road-ftead on the eleventh of April, where I anchored in
ten fathoms water, with bottom of mud and fand, mooring her E. S. E. and W.N. W.
with a heavy anchor. Being moored, I fet Point Porzic at W. quarter S. W. five de-
gxees §., and Round Ifland at S, quarter S. E. four degrees E, This is the beft anchor-
age in the road ; it is called La Fofle, on account of the bottom rifing from the middle ;
but as it is at fome little diftance from the port, it is moftly frequented by large veffels.

Nothing interefting occurred to me in the road till the twenty-firft, when I experi-
enced a heavy gale of wind from the S.S. W. During my ftay there I exercifed the
fhip’s company in the rigging, and at the great guns. M. Duchaftel made out the roll
for the watch, and engaging; that for engaging was made after a manner which ought
to be generally adopted : it diftributed, for example, to the ftarboard watch the uneven
guns, one, three, five, feven, and to the larboard watch the even ones, two, four, fix,

“By this means a veffel can never be taken by furprife ; for the watch on duty on the
deck may by night and day ferve half the guns: fhe may prepare on a fudden as well
to fire from both fides, on giving the word ftarboard to the ftarboard, and larboard to
the larboard fide. To conclude, the watch may exercife at the guns, without waking
thofe who have turned in.

Containing the Courfe from Bre/t to Iceland.

I recEIvVED my inftruations from court the twenty-fixth of April 1767, and the
next day, the twenty-feventh, I left Breft roads at nine in the morning, at the beginning
of flood tide, and with a very weak N.E. wind; asI got off the land it became {tronger:
at five in the evening we made Ufhant, bearing E. N. E. five leagues anda half diftant.
I fteered all night W.N. W. to make an offing, and feeing by the weather that the eaft-
erly winds were likely to continue, I kept the point ahead at N. N. W., in order to
reach Cape Clear. ‘The twenty-eighth, at noon, I was by obfervation in lat. 48° 46’,
and long. 10° 3’ W. from Paris. At fun-fet I noticed the variation of the compafs to
be 20° towards the W. ‘The twenty-ninth, at half paft eight in the morning, after hav-
ing run forty-five leagues by the log in the preceding day, I difcovered Cape Clear.
At ten o’clock, Miflin-head bearing N. N.E. five leagues diftant, I founded and found
fixty-five fathoms water, the bottom a muddy fand mixed with pebbles. Afterwards I
fteered N. W. quarter W. On the twenty-ninth, at noon, I found the lat. 51° 5’, and
long. 12° 24’W. M. Boutanguoy, my firft pilot, obferved 21° of variation in the
morning. I remarked that Miflen-head was a better land to make for than Cape Clear,
on account of its being higher, and more eafy to perceive. I took notice of the Schyl-
lings iflands, which I found badly laid down in the map of M. Bellin, naval engineer,
engraved in 1751. Thefe iflands ftretch more to the W. and W.S. W. than they are
deicribed to doin that chart.

On running from Cape Clear to the Schyllings, I noticed a fenfible current to the
N.E. After doubling thefe iflands, I kept the Cape at S.S.E. Onthe thirtieth, at
noon, ! obferved the polar height was 52° 44’, and by calculation 14° 54’ W. longitude
from Paris. At noon I fteered N.N. E., the wind S. E., but light, and a fine fea.

On the firft of May I was by reckoning in lat. 53° 18’, and I tound it by obfervation
53 30’, which gave a difference in twenty-four hours of twelve minutos; tiis could


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