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Thefe are the names of all the paffages beginning with the moft foutherly; 1°
Stavangerfiord near Stavanger, fixteen Danifh miles from Berghen; 2° Schuttnels,
which is the beginning of the canals, fourteen miles diftant; 3° Udeiro thirteen miles ;
4° Bommelfiord eleven miles ; 5° Solmenfiord five miles; 6° Papefiord four miles; 7°
Cruixfiord three miles ; 8° Jettefiord nearly three miles weft of the town.

‘The two paflages or openings which are frequented at the north of the town, are 1°
Herlefiord ; this paflage is between two iflands advancing fome diftance into the fea,
known by the names of Henne and Feyer, five miles from the town; 2° Foensfiord ;
there is in the middle of the fecond paffage a little lofty ifland, called Holmen Graac.
It ferves as a land mark: this paflage is fix miles from Berghen. It will be feen by
what I have obferved that it is better to make land fouth of the town, on account of
their being in that quarter more paflages than in the north, befides which, they are
more practicable, and the currents run towards the north, the whole length of the
coaft; in other refpects the wind mult decide ; the beft latitude at which to make land
I confider to be 59° 40’.

A veflel may make for land without apprehenfion ; it is very fafe, the coaft of Nor-
way prefents a dreadful afpect every where, it is a continued chain of rocks, the fight of
which makes one fhudder; but nothing fhould prevent making for them; for as I be-
fore obferved, a fhip may range very clofe under them, and when at two leagues from
fhore, pilots always come out, unlefs there happens a ftorm ; but in fine weather they
proceed even as far as three leagues to get on board a fhip: they row with all their
might as well, to be firft, for the firft boat which touches the veffel with an oar, has a
right to furnifh a pilot, the others then return, but not without afking for bifcuit or
brandy, of which they are extremely fond.

I have before obferved that the land may be approached at all times, however when
the weather is fogey, with a ftrong W. N. W. wind, unlefs the cafe were urgent I would
not advife making for fhore, feeing that there is no fhifting froma W. N. W. wind.

I return to my anchorage at Ingefon, and as all anchoring in the river of Berghen
requires care, I fhall defcribe the method I ufed at Ingefon ; it will ferve as inftruction
for all veflels which may be going to Berghen; that port, which ofall in the North Sea
yields the greateft refources, there being a maft yard, a capital rope warehoufe, and
plenty of provifions. By chance a vefiel may be obliged to enter the paflages without
pilots, either owing to the fuperiority of an enemy’s veflel, or to ftorms, and what I am
about to obferve will be of great utility.

On coming from fea with a north wind, keeping Mount Bommel at fix to eight
leagues diftant at S. E. the fhip muft continue its way fteering as clofe to the wind as
poilible, in order to keep before the wind, and north of the ifle of Bommel. At about:
a league from fhore, an opening will be feen between the rocks, which is the paflage of
*Solmenfiord, five miles from Berghen. Imagining the reader at the entrance of the
paflage I recommend him the expedient 1 made ufe of. ‘The wind was northerly, I
kept clofe to the iflets and rocks in the north, which paffed at two cables’ length, in
order to avoid the {tones which are in the middle of the paflage under water, and which
I left to ftarboard going before the wind. At a quarter of a league from the ifle of
Rootholm, I made in fhore to coaft round this ifland, till I fhould difcover an opening
toleeward. I then bore up for theinlet fteering S. and S. quarter S. E. I went up this
creek, and when about a cable’s length from the bottom of the bay, I caft anchor to
larboard, I put the helm to ftarboard, to round to the wind, letting the cablerun. As

© This paffage is nearly aleague wide ; on my fecond voyage T luffed up it.
4 foon

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