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ftrait. From noon to fix o’clock I bore weft, all fails fet, the wind S.E. weak. At fix
o’clock I made Cape Grines, bearing S. 4° W. three leagues diftant, and the cattle of
Dover bearing N. N. W. four leagues diftant; whence] took my departure, fteering
W. quarter S. W. and W. S. W.

‘The twenty-fifth, at day break, I was five leagues from the Englifh coaft, and by log
I ought to have been eight leagues; the flood-tide, which we had from feven o’clock till
midnight, had doubtlefs carried us to the north. At noon Beachy-head, on the coaft of
England, bore north by the compafs, diftant four leagues and a half, I obferved the
variation 19° 52’. From noon tilltwo o’clock we had a weak S. S. W. wind; I fteered
wefl ; at two o’clock the wind getting round to the W., and the tide ebbing, I fteered
S.S. W. At fix o’clock Beachy-head bore N. N.E. eight leagues diftant. At feven
o’clock, being high water, and perfectly calm, I anchored a fmall anchor in twenty-fix
fathoms water, bottom gravel and broken fhells. Ithen caft the log, which fhewed me
the tide ran three krots. At eleven o’clock the wind blowing S. S. W. I failed, fteering

The twenty-fixth at noon, I made Cape Barfleur, which bore S. W. quarter W., feven
feagues diftant. Itook the altitude, and found myfelf in latitude 50° 0’, longitude
0° 18’ W. of Paris. From noon to five o’clock a weak S. wind. I fteered W. quar-
ter N. W. with all fails fet. At five o’clock, being the beginning of flood, I caft the
ftream anchor in thirty-feven fathoms, bottom {mall pebbles and fhells. Being at anchor,
cape La Hogue bore S.S. W. 5°. W. fix leagues diftant. The tide ran five knots at
half paft feven.

At eight o’clock, my anchor breaking at the middle of the fhank, I fet all fails; at the
fame time coiling all my towing ropes. I fteered W. quarter N. W. to {tem the cur-
rent ; at ten o’clock I fteered W. N. W. and N. W. quarter W. not to get near the
Cafkets ; at midnight perceiving diftin@ly the fires of the Cafkets, I fteered W. N. W. ;
at four o’clock I made a tack to the W.S. W., and at feven o’clock the wind being
S.E., I fteered S. W. to make the coaft of Brittany. The twenty-feventh at noon, I
was in latitude 49° 30’ and longitude 6° 3’. The fame day at fun-rife I found the vari-
ation 19° 45’. From noon till four o’clock I fteeredS. W. The wind frefh from the
S. E. At four o’clock perceiving land, which by the tack I was upon I kept from, I
ftood clofer in order to make it before night. At fix o’clock the largeft of the feven
iflands bearing S. S. E. four leagues diftant, I fteered W. and kept all night under
eafy fail. :

The twenty-eighth at five o’clock in the morning, I kept clofe to fhore. At feven
o’clock I laid N. and S. of Abrevrack. I continued running along the coaft, and at nine
o’clock I got into Le Four, where, meeting with contrary winds, I luffed till eleven
o’clock, when the flood obliged me to caft a fmall anchor in twenty-fix fathoms water,
gravelly bottom, aleague to the §.5.W. ofarock called le Four. I failed at five
o’clock in the afternoon, but night obliged me to anchor at the Blanc Sablon.

The twenty-ninth, at fevenin the morning, weak and variable winds from the fouth
fide, I failed and paffed by favour of the current again{t the wind, the great and little
eVinotierre. I anchored in Breft roads at fix in the evening, and the next day my veffel
ntered into port to be difarmed.

a Mya THE

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