- Project Runeberg -  Corrections-systemet eller Criminal-lagens högsta tendens /

(1825) [MARC] Author: Johan Adolf Gerelius
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Ferguson malar den, dä han säger.* ^Tf^héfé
the citizen is supposed to have rights of
property and of station, and is protected
in the exercise of them, he is said to be
free, and the very restraints by which he
is kindred from the ^commission of crimes,
are a part of Ms liberty. No person is

free, where any person is suffered to do
wrong with impunity. Even the despotic
prince on his throne, is not an exception to
this general rule. — He himself is a slave
the moment he pretends, that force should
decide any contest. The disregard he
throws on the rights of his people, recoils
on himself; and in the general uncertainty
of all conditions, there is no tenure more
precarious than his own99.

Den tid är ock kommen, som erbjuder
alla möjligheterna att ernå den. Despotismen
och aristocratien hafva nedstämdt sin röst
—-constitutionerna tala. Hierarkien befaller icke

medgifva, är det andra. Den Brittiska
EncVclopedi-sten yttrar sig derom på följande sätt: ft is not
only the great instrument f or creating and applying
the moral sanction 3 the approbation and
disapprobation of mankind; but it is of essential
service towards the application of punishment by
making known the occasions on which it is
deserved. It is not only a great security in itself,
but it is the principle of life and strength in all
other securities. Men all annan publicitet är ett
intet emot pressens — hvarför den bör tillåtas att
verka med hela sin tryckningskraft,* — och der en
allmän vilja till publicitet saknas, bör regeringen
uppmuntra den allmänna viljan*

s 9

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