- Project Runeberg -  Corrections-systemet eller Criminal-lagens högsta tendens /

(1825) [MARC] Author: Johan Adolf Gerelius
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énskildta ’ eller; allmanna; shmtntokojnster, med
i&ngarne, till fcehgion^-baldniiigens befrämjan^
de; utser lärare och m.QtiitQJteri till, deobju~
nigares under.visning; håller dag-journal,
Character Boolr —~ eller en fortsatt berättelse, om
langarnes uppfprhnde, fallenhet, flit, framsteg,
m. m *, №pp9ffrar betydligaste ’delen

af sin tid att dem besöka, råda och undervisa*
Han rådgör -med Göuvérneuren, men ausva~
rar för Coftiäiitfén, ;

Öfver-Ltdkaren,.^ Principal
Medical Superintendent t— (Lön 300 <é) har hög-*

* Den lores på sätt foljände| lädrag närmaré*
utvisar: 4 :

iSij ’M** tVilliam. Age 36 years ^ Pa-

v ’ i, risk S;t Olives. County, Middle stöp.
A married man. Has Six children.

. . Trade — a Block-maker.

July i:st. From Newgate. Keeper’s
cha-’ r racier Good. Has keen in a
respectable state.

Offence—* Recieving a stolen Boat.

. Jried and convicted at the old
Bailey Sessions j April i6:tk 181J..
Sentence — Transportation — Seven

Period of confinement in the
Penitentiary., May n;th 182%.

Nov:r ag:th. Transferred to the Second Class.

1818 May i6:tk. Reduced, for improper behaviour,

to the First Class.

1819 March g;tk. Restored to the Second Class,

having conducted himself with
much propriety from May last.
Aug. 26;tk. Has several times recieved the
Holy Sacrament, and appears
well disposed.

Is employed as a fVardsman.

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