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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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34 A Quiet Hour Address
Holiness at Colossse
"BrethreD, being holy, in Colossse!" That is a tremendous thing, for
Colossae was a moral sewer for that section of Asia Minor; and yet
there were holy brethren there. "Grace to you and peace from God
our Father. I give continual thanks to God the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, in my prayers for you, since I heard of your faith in
Christ Jesus, and your love to all the saints, because of the hope laid up
for you in the heavens, whereof you heard the promise in the truthful
Word of the Glad Tidings." As I lay awake this morning before day-
break, those three things were deeply impressed upon my mind and
heart. The Lord seemed to say, "Voice these in their order—faith,
love, hope; past, present, future." "Faith" rooted in God, "love" to
the brethren, "hope" concerning the glorious reward. This morning
I want to have this faith emphasized. But in order to have faith em-
phasized, I want to have the object of faith, so to speak, visualized;
that there may be a vision of God, apart from which vision there is
no possibility of any greatness, either in character or service. We
must be sm’e of God, and we must see Him as He is manifested in
Jesus Christ. The faith in Christ Jesus, the love of the saints, and
the hope laid up for you. Mark here, just the fitness of this wonder-
ful word, "the hope laid up for you." You would not find that word
in Ephesians, and yet Ephesians, Colossians and Philippians, those
three prison epistles, they came from the same burning heart of that
man who was indwelt by the Spirit of God; and that, in larger meas-
ure than most men. They came forth from that prison to be a light
unto the Gentiles. But he says here concerning these Colossians that
they have a "hope laid up." If he were writing to the Ephesians, he
would say, "Oh, no, there is no hope laid up for you. You are in the
heavenlies now. You are conceived as being there with Him."
Because the message to the Ephesians is the message of the fulness
of the body of Christ; and the message to the Colossians is the worthi-
ness of the Head of the Body. And so the hope is laid up in heaven.
When you come to Philippians again it is the one object of faith and
love for the—^if we may use the word now for a moment,—for the
coming of Jesus Christ. "And I count all things but loss for the ex-
cellency of the knowledge of Christ"; so that the hope laid up for us
in the heavens is Christ; and this whole message is the setting forth
of Christ and His will.
Great Occasion for Prayer
1 asked you to underscore the word at the beginning about the will
of God, and here we are to learn more about the will of Christ. "Which
is come to you, as it is through all the world; and everywhere it bears

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