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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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84 A Quiet Hour Address
Consider What?
Consider. And this is a word that appears four times in this epistle,
but it translates three different Greek words. There are only two times
that it occurs in the same form as the word that is translated "con-
sider" here. The other time is in Hebrews, where it says, "Consider
one another to provoke unto love and to good works." And these two
things are the only two things that the Lord asks us to consider in that
particular sense, in setting the whole mind to grasp the truth. First,
consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus.
Second, consider one another, brethren in the Lord, consider our in-
terests, our partnership with, in service and fellowship and sacrifice,
in the Lord. Oh, what a wonderful thing to consider the work and to
be able to consider ourselves as partners with Him! Think of the
stars and consider what a world, what a big world we have! Then
think of our sun. How many of our worlds would go into that sun, if
the sun were conceived of as a hollow sphere? Fifty, somebody might
say. More than that. Some little boy might think a hundred. More
than that. A thousand. Oh, more than that. A million and a quarter
worlds like ours would be necessary to fill the sun, if it were a hollow
sphere, and yet the sun is a small thing in the universe of God. And
when you think of the amazing things that God hath made, how mar-
velous that God should say that we are partners with Him, we are
identified with Him!
The Partnership
Then consider "the Apostle and High Priest of our confession," isn’t
it wonderful? The Apostle—that is, the Sent One; and then remember
that we are partners. "As the Father hath sent Me, so send I you."
I do not feel that there is very great danger of our talking about
Christian service as something that belongs either to a meeting or a
conference, a church service, or to some particular duty that we have
voluntarily agreed to undertake in some congregation, or something
of the kind. That is not service for Christ. As the Father sent Christ,
so hath Christ sent us. The words "sent" and "service" mean every-
thing we do. When I go to arrange for going back to Toronto today,
that is a part of my service to Christ. In every detail of my life, if
Christ has the place that He ought to have, everything, mark you,
is just a part of my partnership with Him. And, oh, what a place
He ought to have in my life as Lord!
He ought to be Lord in my thought-life and every imagination and
high thing ought to be cast down. How many of us get opinionated!
Some of us are belonging to this church or that church, and we have
learned a little thing here or there, and have come to think that that

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