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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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A Symposium 121
meetings, a very small Sunday-school and outside work which extends
into other states where our members have gone and where our people
are located. These we call the "light-carriers."
The second part is literary. On account of the constant moving
of our members, we try to reach them by regular correspondence
with enclosed tracts. Often, in a year, our correspondence is from
twenty-five hundred to three thousand letters. We have imported
thousands of Bibles and New Testaments in our language, and over
eighty thousand pieces of good Christian literature. Besides, we have
printed in our own printing shop six hundred and fifty thousand
tracts and an eight-page weekly paper, which, in the past three years,
has had a circulation of over one hundred and sixty-two thousand
copies. From time to time we send a colporteur to other states and
through some of our members who work during the week we try,
on Sundays here in the city, to place the Bible in the homes.
A Missionary Home
The third part is the social work. Although this department costs
us very much, and means great sacrifice, it pays. Our home is the
headquarters of our entire work. We call it home because we live in
it. In reality it is not that. It is an office, a hospital, an employment
agency, and a home for the many poor strangers who are wandering
without money or work or shelter. It is the lawyer’s office to which
the people come with their difficulties. It is the home for the un-
fortunate woman, and very often the free lunch counter. It is also
the shop where we publish our weekly paper and all our Christian
literature. It is indeed the real spiritual school where many may
learn the first lessons of the love of God and the way of salvation.
Since the declaration of war it is also the home of the sailor and
soldier, who are on furlough and have no home of their own. Every
day the doors are open from early morning until midnight. We have
received dozens of letters from young boys who formerly lived in
Chicago and are now in other states or in the army, expressing their
gratitude and appreciation for the hospitality and love which was
shown them. Many in their letters have said: "Although we find
many churches to attend on Sunday, we have never been able to find
a home like yours where we can go."
This is the only place, and only center, from which we try to reach
the fifteen million remnant of the great Hellenic race here in the
United States and abroad. The work is growing rapidly and the need
is increasing. There will be new openings as soon as the war is over;
and we must protect the thousands from infidelity and comfort the
millions who have lost their homes and loved ones. "For whosoever
shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then

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