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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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that the other man was continuing my work in Cronstadt, but as soon
as they were aware of his presence, he too had to flee; then the third
missionary was there to take his place. Even he had, in his turn, to
flee and a fourth was sent there. After eighteen years of work there
was established a congregation of God’s people in Cronstadt, and they
are continuing the mission work there to this day.

With Lord Radstock at Petrograd

In Petrograd a converted Roman Catholic priest preached the Gospel
in the reign of Alexander I. His name was John Gossner. The
Emperor himself listened to him and loved him. Several of the
members of the noble families of Russia were converted to Christ through
this man. From that time there always have been some members of
the nobility who have taken their stand for God. Through these men
the way was prepared in the palaces of Petrograd for the truth of the
Gospel when Lord Radstock came to the capital of the empire and
preached the Gospel of Christ. I had the privilege to take part in that
movement. I held meetings in private houses. Very soon the police
came over and took away our song books and Bibles and threatened us
with imprisonment if we continued our meetings.

My beloved brother. Prof. M. A. de Sherbinin, was then a young
student in the University of Petrograd. His family at the time were
millionaires, but still better, he was even then a believer in Christ.
He said: “Let us pray that God will give us a large hall, prepared
for meetings, where we can preach the Gospel.” When we rose from
prayer he said: “Now we will get that hall.” I thought to myself:
“I know that God is Almighty, but how he can give us now a hall
‘prepared’ for our meetings I cannot understand.”

Two weeks after I preached in a large hall prepared for meetings.
It appeared that permission had been obtained for German Christians
to hold their meetings and to worship in a large hall. This
permission had been obtained from the government by Prince Bismarck,
when he was Prussian Ambassador in Petrograd. The Swedes then
preached the Gospel in that hall for several years following.

Another Ebenezer

We thought then if God had helped the Germans to get that hall
for worship, He could certainly help us to obtain the right to preach
the Gospel, even if we had not the help of Bismarck on our side. We
wrote a petition to the government after having prayed to God. Our
petition came into the hands of a high official. He had been touched
by the Gospel. It seems to me to this day a miracle that we could
get the right to preach the Gospel freely at that time in Petrograd.

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