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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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Baptist-stundist.” Likewise they never spoke of a Lutheran as a
Stundist, if he was merely a Lutheran, but if he did anything to
bring a man into vital relation with God, the government said: “You
are a Stundist.” If he were to answer: “I am a Lutheran,” the
government would say: “Yes, but you are a Lutheran-stundist.” At the
time I was in Odessa, a congregation of Stundists came up. I
witnessed also a Stundist trial before the high court, and I have never
seen a better illustration of the spirit of the first Christians or
Apostles than when these men stood before the court of justice. The
court-house was full of lawyers, priests and the representatives of
different creeds. The jury was composed of Russians, Roman
Catholics, Protestants, Jews and even Mohammedans. The preacher was
standing before them like an Apostle, giving his witness in clear,
simple sentences. He spoke so that the judge was afraid that he
would make converts and they had to clear the house of the people
not belonging to the jury. The result of the trial was that the man
was condemned to go to Siberia.

From Odessa to Tiflis

From Odessa I went to Tiflis, the principal city of the Caucasus.
There I came in touch with the evangelical movement which had come
up through the Basle missionaries under the reign of Alexander I.
The well known missionary, Abraham Amirkhaniantz, was living
then. He was a convert of that mission, and a scholar. He spoke
fourteen languages and could read and write twenty. His missionary
record was remarkable. He translated the Bible into the Ararat
dialect of the Armenian language. He also translated the Bible into the
Aderbeyjan dialect of the Tartar language, he revised a translation
of the New Testament in another language of Central Asia. He also
committed parts of the Bible into the Kurdish language. He was a
giant in the army of mission workers. No missionary was better
versed in the Koran than he, which enabled him to meet the
arguments of the learned Mullahs in his writings, so that even the Moslems
looked up to him as a master.

Among the believers in Tiflis there was indeed the presence of the
Spirit of God. Some of them believed in the baptism of infants, and
some believed only in the baptism of adults. The Baptist doctrine
was introduced among them through a man by the name of Kahlweit.
Through him a young man, Basel Pavlof, was converted to the
doctrine of the Baptists and sent to a Baptist seminary in Germany and
became one of the leaders of the Baptist movement in Russia.
Amirkhaniantz believed in infant baptism. Then some members of the
congregation in Tiflis thought that some one of them must be right and

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