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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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192 Prophecy and Fresent-Day Events
New Testament Prophecy Fulfilled
It can hardly be doubted by those who read current literature and
take note of pulpit utterances among the liberals of theology, that
almost everything ascribed to the Holy Spirit is denied in our day.
The Bible is viewed as a mere human book of Hebrew literature. The
virgin birth of Jesus is denied, or ascribed to a natural process of
parthenogenesis. Regeneration is viewed as a movement of adoles-
cence. Nowhere is there place for the presence and movement of
God by His Spirit in human life. With many, matter, force, and mo-
tion constitute the only trinity with which the inquiring mind has
to do in dealing with the mystery of existence and the issues thereof.
A Christless Christianity
The tendency of modern times is to secure progress by elimination.
Among desirable features we have the horseless carriage, the fireless
cooker, the iceless refrigerator, the spineless cactus, the painless
dentist; and we are hoping for the day of the odorless onion, the
boneless shad and the kaiserless world. Elimination however, can
mark degeneracy, and this is true when there is tendency toward the
loveless marriage, the childless home and a Christless Christianity.
This latter has certain marked fej^tures which take the form of very
definite substitutions eliminating God and His power from human
life and activity:
1. Human Reason for Divine Revelation.
2. Human Attainment for Divine Obtainment.
3. Political Philosophy for Bible Prophecy.
4. The Advancement of Humanity for the Advent of the Son
of Man.
5. Social Reorganization for the Regeneration of the Indi-
vidual, or the Substitution of Effort for a Social By-
product of Christianity, for the Prime Product.
Human Reason Versus Divine Revelation
The Bible lays claim to being a revelation of God. It is His un-
veiling of truth which lies beyond the reach of human reason. The
character of God is described and the movements of His grace toward
men defined. Christianity is distinctly differentiated from all the
other religions of humanity in that all world religions simply reveal
the helpless efforts of men to find God, or the counterfeits of Satan
exploited to a hungry world, while Christianity represents the suc-
cessful effort of God to find man and the presentation of that which is
furnished for needy man by the living and true God. The Bible is

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