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A Symposium 209
on in his house, the children came in, fourteen and fifteen years old,
and he gave them a nickel to go away to a movie, while I was preach-
ing. Children of a minister! Now then, perhaps in this country,—that
is not my business so far as the Americans are concerned; but let me
tell you I have been travelling for four years up and down this coun-
try, and probably I know the foreign situation as well as any man in
this congregation; and the foreign people are exceedingly suspicious
of anything that is not purely spiritual. Now, as we know this, we
must be careful so that we don’t drive them away from Christ by
doing things that cause them to be suspicious of us. Now I believe
the Chicago Tract Society ought to be the central organization for this
work. I want every one of you now to begin to pray for this work.
Then I would suggest that a number of departments be established
on a larger scale in connection with this work. For instance, some
mention was made about tracts and getting names and addresses. That
is one department. Not only addresses of people in this country, but
also on the other side of the Atlantic and Pacific. Get in correspondence
with people and send tracts to them. You might print on the tract:
"If you want to know more about Jesus, please write to us." Then
in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and other papers addresses could be
found. In that instance of a lady wanting to get a husband, some-
body might write and tell her about a Bridegroom thirty-three years
old. Then I would suggest this, that once in three months, a sermon
be printed on the first page, if possible, anyway a whole page, of
the largest Polish, Russian and Bohemian papers, as an ad. In that
way it would reach thousands of people that never would come to any
place of worship, and I believe they would read it. For instance, put
in "Jessica’s First Prayer," that part telling of Jesus. If I had a
thousand dollars I would do that right now, so much do I believe in
it, and that is what I want to do in the Russian papers. I think that
the Tract Society must take care of the hymnology also.
There are Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Bohemians in many of the
American prisons. I believe a man should be put in charge in connec-
tion with this work of prisons, looking them up and getting them to
Christ. One more suggestion. I would suggest that Dr. Brooks get up a
letter, perhaps in connection with this new committee work, and send
a special, very pointed letter to from fifty thousand to a hundred thou-
sand ministers in various cities and towns, and ask them to appoint
a committee in every church to look up the foreign people, get their
addresses, get up collections or some donations and send to the So-
ciety, to publish new tracts; and then the Society could send out
those tracts to the foreign folks living all over the country. By that
means, I believe, my beloved friends, that these people will be evangel-
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