- Project Runeberg -  Good news for Russia /

(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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236 A Statement ty the Chairman
Seizing the Opportunity
Oh, these are times when things are happening! Strange, isn’t it,
that this very week, when these friends are planning large things
for Russia, the papers should be so full of these other matters. Yet
isn’t it glorious that we can pray, and not only pray, but give, and
not only give, but go! Oh, let us seize this greatest opportunity of
our lives for sending the Gospel into that great, wonderful country,
with its nearly two hundred million people! God has already made
a beginning. Look into the faces of these fifty men of Russia. A
few years ago many of them were down deep in sin; now they are
saved, by the grace of God, and I praise Him. There are as many
more studying the Bible in Philadelphia. Other schools are also
starting up. There are men here ready to help, men like Mr. Hoijer,
with his forty years experience in Russia, and Prof, de Sherbinin
and others, and what a glorious task is before us! So be perfectly
free to give as the need is presented. We jnust carry the Gospel to
the great centers of Russia, so that all the brothers and sisters of
Russia shall be saving other men in many other lands in the world,
and pointing lost men and women to Him who is the Light of the
world, our Lord Jesus Christ.

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