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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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MY dear friends, this really has been one of the best weeks
I ever had; and I cannot tell you how happy I have been.
There is nothing for me to do just now but to look up and
thank our heavenly Father, and to be thankful to you for your
co-operation. I am sorry that Brother Fetler has been giving me
credit that does not belong to me at all. I wonder if you remember,
when the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt under Nehemiah’s direction,
that the people were undoubtedly saying: "What a wonderful man
Nehemiah is, see how the wall has been built because of his leader-
ship!" But what did Nehemiah say? "So finished we the building
of the wall, for the people had a mind to work." The beautiful thing
about this conference is that every man on the Executive Committee
has had a mind to work, and I want now to say this word: While
I have had a great deal of experience with different men representing
different nationalities, and have been privileged to call men of all
nationalities my brethren in the Lord Jesus Christ, I have never been
happier than in the fellowship we have had together here, particu-
larly with our dear Brother Hoijer, with whom I became acquainted
last Autumn; and then with our dear Brother Fetler, who in the
Winter brought such blessing and inspiration to all of us.
Loyalty and Love, Our Watchwords
Now as this conference is closing, I want to thank God with you
for this blessed fellowship, and for the way in which God has put
this work upon our hearts. Just think of this choir coming over
here tonight from the Bohemian Baptist Church. I have known that
church for a long time, and it has a splendid lot of workers. Oh, I
believe America is turning to God, and our people are going to work
and to help! Why do we love each other? Why do I love Brother
Neprash, whom I never saw till last March? It is because in him
and these other brethren I find devotion to my blessed Saviour.
"Loyalty" and "love" have been our watchwords, and, in closing, I
can testify that this has been a conference of loyalty to Christ, and a
conference of brotherly love, and now may the grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with us all! Amen.

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