- Project Runeberg -  A few plain facts about Gothenburg, Sweden, 1930 /

(1930) [MARC] - Tema: Göteborg
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Few countries in the world are able to offer the
visitor a more changing nature than Sweden. The
great extent of the country from Oeresund in the
South to far above the arctic circle in the North
involves interesting differences in landscape, climate
and national character. The level, fertile county of
Skåne with its beech groves, hamlets and historical
castles, the west coast with its granite rocks washed
by the ocean, interesting fishing villages and watering
places, the blue lakes of Södermanland, the forestclad
hills of Wärmland, the smiling nature of Dalarne and
the mighty rivers and rushing torrents, snowcovered
mountains and miles upon miles of wilderness of
Norrland — all of this offers the traveller scenery
of the most changing kind.

Sweden, however, is not only a tourist country of
great beauty, but also a country of pronounced
industrial character offering the technical and
commercial man much of interest. The vast natural
resources of the country, viz. timber and iron ore,
together with an abundance of water power, have
created a production which covers not only the home
requirements but also permit of an appreciable export.
The Swedish industrial products have gained a good
reputation abroad owing to their high quality and
first-class manufacture.

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