- Project Runeberg -  A few plain facts about Gothenburg, Sweden, 1930 /

(1930) [MARC] - Tema: Göteborg
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Långedrag’s Yacht Club Harbour with Ocean steamer in distance
Långedrag’s Yacht Club Harbour with Ocean steamer in distance

Steamship routes from Gothenburg. 1930.

There is no rise and fall of the tide in Sweden
(the difference between high and low water being
only about 0,2 metres or eight inches) so that Ocean
steamers can enter or leave the Port of Gothenburg
at any time day or night. Steamers can lie at anchor
outside the Harbour close to Långedrag (the Yachting
Club’s harbour) and thus be free from harbour dues,
but must pay small fees for lighthouses etc.
Långedrag is well protected from the open sea owing to
the numerous skerries (islands). Tourists can visit
Gothenburg via Långedrag in motor launches which
take about 10 minutes from the steamers to the
landing stage and then by electric tramcars or taxis
which take respectively 30 and 15 minutes.

Owing to no tide yachtsmen, rowing and canoeing
clubs, bathers, fishing and all other kinds of summer
and winter sports can be indulged in at any time.
We recommend Shipowners to obtain a copy of the
”Port of Gothenburg Year Book” recently published
for all information concerning port charges, depth of
water etc.

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