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Stadshotellet, Trollhättan, which is quite modern,
gives the tourist every comfort for a long visit.
Excellent Cuisine. Central heating. Ideal situation
close to the falls.
Trollhättan (the Niagara of Europe) the finest
tourist-attraction of Sweden, offers a picture of the
northern country, although situated in the south, with
its grand waterfalls and magnificent nature. In
addition the locks and the Power Work, known all
over the world, always draw the attention of all
The new locks, four in number, are each 89 metres
long, 13.7 metres wide and 5.5 metres deep. The
dimensions of the most modern of the earlier locks,
which these replaced, were 35.6, 7.4 and 2.9. The series
of locks, one at Rannumfallet, four at Trollhättan and
one at Lilla Edet cost about 23 million kronor.
The resources of the
available waterfalls of
Sweden, are estimated to
be 6,200,000 turbine horse
power, corresponding to
about 1050 horsepower
per 1000 inhabitants as
compared to 382 for
Switzerland, 152 for Italy,
147 for France and 11 for
Great Britain.
Waterfalls at Trollhättan |
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