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King Osman’s Friends. 127
At the sight of him all became hushed and silent
in the hall, and all eyes turned to the unbidden
guest, and then each man furtively glanced to his
neighbour’s face. All had at once recognized their
friend the king in spite of his ragged dress, but
no one approached him, no one gave him his hand,
no one bid him welcome.
“Do you not recognize your friend?” Osman
resumed, advancing ; but everybody retreated a
“When I left you, you shed tears, and professed
friendship until death ; now I need your friendship,
for I return to you a poor and wretched fugitive.
My warriors have chosen a new king, and I was
forced to make my escape to save my life. You
have all professed that you owe your lives and
possessions to your royal friend, and I sincerely
believe that you will assist me. Save my life, and
hide me from my foes, who already are sailing up
the river, and who will soon be here.”
There was a moment’s silence, after which the
host stepped forth and said, “My dear friend, we
would all have been willing to sacrifice life and blood
for you, but we dare not incur the displeasure of our
new king, so the best you can do is to fly the
realm, and hide where your enemies cannot find
you. None of us will mention that you have been
here, and all our good wishes will accompany you
on your road.”
“Yes, our good wishes!” everybody agreed.
“But a shelter for the night, and one of your
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