- Project Runeberg -  The History of the Swedes /

(1845) Author: Erik Gustaf Geijer Translator: John Hall Turner
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Notions of the Ancients on Scandinavia. Character
and Relations of its History. How first made known
to Modern Europe. Saxo Granunaticus. The
Icelanders. Scaldic Poetry. Snorro Sturleson. Swedish
History compared with Norwegian and Danish. The
Subject divided..................................................... I


traditions of the north.

Inland Seas; the Mediterranean and the Baltic......................3

Seat of the Teutonic Nations; their Irruptions..........................id.

The Suiones of Tacitus..........................................................................................4

The Gothic Tribes........................................................................................................id.

Notion of their Scandian Extraction ; its Explanation .. id.

Idea of the Northern Mythology..................................................................5

Supposed Divine Descent of the Kings................................................id.

Extent of Odinism......................................................................................................id.

Annals and Destiny of Gods and Men..................................................id.

Spirit of Northern Paganism ; its Heroic Odes..........................6

Legendary Account of the Establishment of the Swedish


Odin; his Actions and Character. The Asae..............................id.

Niord and Frey. The Ynglings. Fiolner, the First


The Ynglingasaga. King Anund the Leveller. The

Upsala Kings. Feast of Ingyald; his Tragical End... 8

Origin of the Swedes..................................................................................................9

Odin probably a Real Personage. Traditions as to him. id.

The Asae or Alans, a Tribe dwelling in the Caucasus .... id.
Priority of the Goths. Goths and Swedes two distinct


The Second Dynasty. Ivar Widfamne, its Founder; his


Harald and Sigurd. Battle of Bravalla..............................................11

Eastern Conquests of the Swedes. Russian Monarchy
founded by Ruric. Statement of Nestor. Vaners and


Swedish Wars in Russia......................................................................................13

Ragnar Lodbroc; his Adventures..............................................................id.

Fate of Ragnar’s Sons..............................................................................................H

Accounts of him compared. Invasion of the Northmen id.

Settlement in Switzerland. Hasslidale; its Inhabitants 15


land and people from the heathen period.

Scania; its Produce and Commerce. Towns;
Inhabitants..................................................................... 13

Provinces of the Southern Coasts; Occupations of the

Inhabitants.......................................................... 17

West-Gothland and East-Gothland; Notices of them in

the Sagas............................................................. 18

Gothland and Swedeland; their Boundaries................ 19

Sudermania or Suthermanland, Nerike, Vermeland...... id.

Description of Sweden by King Alfred and Snorro
Sturleson............................................................. 20


The Folklands ; Upland. Meaning of these
Appellations. Westmanland......................................... 21

Ancient Topographical Divisions. Settlement of the
Swedes round the Shores of the Mcelar. Upsala, Sig-

tuna or Birca........................................................ 22

Mining Tracts ; Dalecarlia. State of its Inhabitants in

the Twelfth Century.............................................. 23

Progress of Settlement and Culture to the North. Norr-

land, Helsingland, Gestricland................................ 24

Medelpad and Angermanland. Finnmark;
Character of this Region................................................. 25

Voyage of Ottar and Ulfsten. Biarmaland. Fennic

Tribes.................................................................. 26

Carelians and Tavastrians. Finns and Lapps............... 27

Their probable Common Extraction, and Present
Diversities............................................................... 28

Expulsion of these Nomadic Races by Swedish Settlers.

Vestiges of them in Middle and Southern Sweden..... 29

Notices of them by Old Writers.................................. 30

Ancient Polity and Manners of the Swedes.................. id.

Odin and his Council of Twelve. The Tings. Social

Life in Heathen Times. Wedding and Funeral Rites 31
Formation of the Original Commonwealth; its
Dignitaries.................................................................. 32

The Lagman or Judge. Free and Unfree. Houses and

Occupations of the People....................................... 33

Fruits and Relics of Paganism................................... 34


establishment of christianity. contests of the
swedes and goths for supremacy. a.d. 800—1250.

Anskar, the Apostle of Sweden. His Mission by the

Emperor Lodovic the Pious.................................... 34

His Visits to Sweden. Partial Success of his Labours.

His Character. Rimbert. Relapse to Paganism...... 35

King Eric Edmundson and his Conquests.
Scandinavian Enterprises in the Ninth Century. King Eric

the Victorious....................................................... 36

Olave the Lap-King ; his son, Olave Tryggwason, King

of Norway ; League against him.............................. 37

The Anglo-Saxon Sigfrid preaches the Gospel to the
Swedes and Norsemen. Baptism of Olave the Lap-

King................................................................... id.

St. Olave of Norway. Embassy from him to Olave of

Sweden................................................................ 38

Extinction of the Second Dynasty. Effects of the
Religious Changes. Ascendancy of the Gothic
Population. Stenkil chosen King by them...................... 40

Civil Wars between the Goths, who had espoused

Christianity, and the Swedes, who remained Pagans.. 41
Reign of Inge. Hostilities with Norway. A Danish

Prince chosen by the West-Goths............................ 42

Ascendancy of the Christians. King Swerker.
Introduction of Monks. Visit of a Papal Legate. Reign
of St. Eric............................................................ 43

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