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The Stone Age
large masses of tools, utensils, and weapons, such as
have already been described. Most of the Swedish finds
are preserved in the National Historical’ Museum in
Stockholm. No other stone-age people have left speci-
mens showing as fine workmanship as the Scandina-
Tombs from the Stone Age. There are also many
stone tomb-structures, showing how the dwellings of
that day looked. For the stone-age people, here as in
other lands, believed that life after death resembled
life on earth. Hence, it was a custom among them to
build habitations for the dead like those of the living,
but of more durable material. For the same reason
they also supplied the dead with food and raiment,
utensils, and weapons.
In Sweden such tombs are sacred. No one is allowed
to disturb them. Other ancient remains belong to the
finder, but if the article is of gold, silver, copper, or
bronze it must be offered to the state, which pays an
eighth more for it than the value of the metal.
In peat beds, once lake bottoms, there have been
found also articles of wood from the stone age, as for
instance canoes of hollowed-out oak logs. Peat has a
wonderful quality for preserving from decay.
These many remains suggest to us a remarkable
story of development. The record of this development
effected by the Swedish people through toil and strug-
gle, generation after generation, step by step, from
the Stone Age to the Age of Steam and Electricity is
the History of Sweden. The challenge to the present
generation is through its efforts to continue this
A History of Sweden. 2.
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