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26 A History of Sweden
But out of the tumult behold a new world arise, with
verdure renewed, where fields unplanted yield fruits,
where all evil is changed, and Balder returns. A hall,
too, behold, with gold all bedecked, and fairer than sun-
shine, where virtuous throngs of good people dwell in
joy everlasting. Then comes the Mighty One, whose
name no one dares mention, to judge and to rule over
all, and justice and peace to establish, to ordain and
declare what shall ever be sacred.
All these myths as well as songs of ancient heroes
were gathered in Iceland, during the Middle Ages, in
a collection known as the Elder or Poetic Edda.
The Worship of the Gods. The gods were worshiped
by sacrifices of animals, especially horses, or of human
beings, which was the highest sacrifice. With the blood
of the sacrificial victims the images of the gods were
overspread. The flesh of the sacrificed animal was
eaten at the sacrificial feast. Such feasts were noisy
and immoderate in both food and drink. In Havamal
we read :
"Not near so good,
As good they say,
Is ale for humankind :
The more you drink,
The less you know
Whither your sense has fled."
The sacrifice was conducted by the housefather. No
special priests were found. The chief feast was at
midwinter, or yuletide. A hog was then sacrificed to
Frey, the god of sunshine and rain. If any one in-
tended to carry out some enterprise during the year,
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