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34 A History of Sweden
North in an almost continuous stream to the East, to
the South, and to the West.
The Swedish Viking Expeditions. The Swedish ex-
peditions were directed mostly against the southern
and eastern shores of the Baltic and the countries be-
yond. This was altogether natural as their own coun-
try bordered on this sea. These expeditions were
A Viking Ship.
known as "Eastway" (ostervag). The most common
route for these expeditions was by way of the Gulf of
Finland, up the River Neva, and across Lake Ladoga,
thence by another river course south to Lake Ilmen.
There the Northmen founded among the conquered
Slavs a kingdom whose capital they called Holmg&rd,
later known as Novgorod.
But throngs of Northmen pursued voyages on rivers
farther toward the south. By carrying their light ves-
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