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54 A History of Sweden
and enjoy the freedom to speak one’s mind even in the
presence of the king." He promised, however, to give
them his assistance in the assembly.
Large numbers gathered at the ting. First spoke
the leader of the Norwegian envoys, but in the midst
of his speech King Olof sprang from his chair, order-
ing the man to stop talking. Then Earl Ragnvald
arose to advocate the cause of peace. But the king
burst out in angry words against him because he had
concluded peace with "the stout man," and accused him
of treason. But now arose the imposing form of Law-
man Torgny. All the peasants, who Jiad been sitting,
arose on all sides and crowded up, eager to hear what
their spokesman was about to say. Much noise and
clamor of arms arose, but soon silence followed. Only
Torgny’s powerful voice resounded over the plain :
"Different now is the temper of the Svea kings from
that of former days. Then they were willing to listen
to their subjects and be advised by them. But the pres-
ent king will hear nothing but what pleases him. He
obstinately seeks to reign over Norway, which no
former Svea king ever aspired to do. But now we
peasants demand that you, King Olof, conclude peace
with Norway’s king. If you do not respect our wishes,
and do as we say, we will proceed against you and slay
you. So have our forefathers done with overbearing
kings. Tell us now which you will choose." With
clamor and din of arms the assembly expressed their
The king’s tone changed. He promised to do as the
peasants wished. "So have all the Svea kings done,"
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