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118 A History of Sweden
business man in the kingdom. He took part with his
own ships in these expeditions and often offered the
merchants to carry their goods for them.
The Results of the King’s Economic Measures. Thus
Gustavus conducted the affairs of his kingdom as
the master of a large estate. Through these activi-
ties prosperity was promoted throughout the king-
dom. Gustavus understood, too, how to manage his
own economic affairs. At length he owned individu-
ally 5,000 estates and had a very rich treasury. He
was accounted one of the wealthiest princes in Europe.
He appreciated the value of money, "for," said he, "it
costs the sweat and toil of the people/’ His thrift some-
times degenerated into stinginess, but when the state
was in danger he was ready to sacrifice all his own
The Decline of Education. One thing declined, how-
ever, during Gustavus’ reign. It was education. The
most gifted Catholic priests and teachers left their
heretical fatherland, and none came in their place.
Ministers and judges were often terribly ignorant.
And in spite of all this the king was very sparing of
his gold and silver when it came to the support of
schools. He seems to have been too much occupied with
accounts and economics to think seriously of education.
Autocratic Policies. Gustavus could with good rea-
son look back with satisfaction upon his work, and so
he did. In letters to be read at the great fairs, in 1540,
he compares himself to Moses. As that great man of
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