Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - VIII. Reigns of the Sons of Gustavus Vasa, 1560–1611 - B. Reign of John III, 1568–1592 - C. Reign of Sigismund, 1592–1599
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Sigismund 135
offered in the duchy of Duke Charles. To the king’s
exasperation Charles absolutely refused to accept the
Catholic church customs.
Threat of Catholic Restoration. Through her cruel
methods and oppression, the Catholic Church had be-
come a dangerous menace to all Protestant lands. The
danger became imminent when John’s son and succes-
sor, Sigismund, came to the throne. His mother, a
Polish princess, was a Catholic, and her son had been
brought up in that faith. He had already been elected
king of Poland. There, he had shown energy and zeal
in but one thing, the persecution of Protestants. The
people of Sweden felt that an invasion of monks and
insidious Jesuits was impending, and that the day
might soon come when their sons and daughters might
be made victims of the horrible Inquisition. They real-
ized that an important crisis was at hand, and they
took steps to prepare for the defense of their faith.
The Uppsala Convention. During the interval be-
tween the death of John and the arrival of Sigismund
from Poland, the government of Sweden was conducted
by Duke Charles and the council. The duke hastened
to call a church convention at Uppsala in 1593. There
gathered the duke and the council, large numbers of
the clergy, and members of the other Estates. The
Convention unanimously declared that the Bible is the
sole rule of faith, and that its doctrines are correctly
set forth in the three Symbols and the unaltered Augs-
burg Confession. Lastly all the members of the Con-
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