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162 A History of Sweden
as the liberator of the oppressed. But the Catholics
feared that he would come as the avenger of all that
his fellow Protestants had suffered. Stricken with fear,
they fled in masses. But Gustavus Adolphus disturbed
no one in his worship. He would not have Protestants
and Catholics oppress each other. Religious freedom
was his noble aim. But the immense wealth of ecclesi-
astical princes, convents, and churches became his
Gustavus followed the Main to its confluence with
the* Rhine, and took up his winter quarters in Mainz.
Here gathered around the victorious "Gold King from
the North" a brilliant throng of German princes and
ambassadors from all lands. Never has a Swedish king
been more esteemed and honored. Under his command
there was now a force of 100,000 men under different
commanders in various parts of Germany. Only one-
fifth of this army were Swedes. Thus had his army
increased by additions of German Protestants.
Death of Tilly. Recall of Wallenstein. In the battle
of the Lech (April, 1632), in South Germany, Tilly
was mortally wounded and died two weeks later. By
great concessions the Emperor then induced Wallen-
stein to resume the command. Scarcely had he issued
his call for volunteers before an immense army gath-
ered around him. His reappearance on the scene neces-
sitated a complete change in the plans of Gustavus
Adolphus. He had apparently planned to advance along
the Danube to Vienna and there in the hereditary
lands of the Emperor compel him to make peace. But
now Gustavus must prepare to defend central and
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