Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - IX. Reign of Gustavus Adolphus, 1611–1632 - D. Domestic Development - X. Reign of Christina, 1632–1654 - A. The Regency under Axel Oxenstiern, 1632–1644
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170 A History of Sweden
men of poor families have taken advantage of these
free institutions and worked themselves up into promi-
nence in the kingdom.
The Board of Regents. Gustavus Adolphus left only
one child, the six-year-old Christina. According to
the Norrkoping Succession Act of 1604, which extend-
ed the succession to the female line, she would at the
age of eighteen become the ruler of Sweden. But who
was to conduct the government during her minority?
Who, indeed, could conduct the great war to a success-
ful end? Fortunately Sweden had one man who was
eminently fitted for the office and one who had no rival
for the position, and that was the great chancellor Axel
Oxenstiern, Gustavus’ faithful assistant.
In 1634 a new organic law was enacted, according
to which the kingdom was to be governed during the
minority of the queen by a regency of five high offi-
cers of state, each at the head of a department of gov-
ernment : the Chancellorship, the Departments of Jus-
tice, War and Navy, Foreign Affairs, and Finance.
Axel Oxenstiern as chancellor was one of them. He
now became the virtual ruler of Sweden. Both at home
and in foreign lands, he enjoyed an unusual esteem.
A contemporary French statesman declared that "if
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