Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - XIV. Reign of Ulrica Eleonora and Frederick I, 1719–1751 - D. Administration of Arvid Horn
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24S A History of Sweden
present. Foreign ministers in reports to their home
governments mentioned, often with surprise, Horn’s
uprightness and absolute proof against bribes, a rare
virtue in that day.
Arvid Horn’s Policy. Arvid Horn saw clearly that
what Sweden most needed was peace and rest for re-
cuperation. At the death of Charles XII there were
many deserted homesteads throughout the country.
Even in so rich a province as Skane there were nearly
1,000. In 6sterbotten, a poorer province, there were
about 2,000. The suffering in some places was so great
that the government gave starving parishes permis-
sion to get bark from the crown forests for the relief
of the starving.
Posterity finds it hard to understand how a small
people like that of Sweden at the time could bear all
the burdens and privations of the great war and not
perish completely. But hardly less remarkable is the
rapid awakening of the people out of the stupor of de-
spair which the last years had cast over their lives
and minds. Buildings rose again out of the ashes of
burnt cities, ruined factories were alive once more
with busy workmen, and on deserted homesteads plows
were again turning furrows.
It was to Arvid Horn in the first place that the credit
is due for Sweden’s long period of rest and peace. With
skillful statesmanship he removed every occasion for
war. His administration was not a time of great and
stirring events, but a quiet, happy time, when the coun-
try could revive after its violent overexertion and gath-
er strength for peaceful pursuits. In his efforts to
secure prosperity to Sweden and develop her industries
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