Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - XV. Reign of Adolph Frederick, 1751–1771 - B. Sweden’s Participation in the Seven Years’ War - C. The Fall of the Hat Party
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272 A History of Siveden
his many enemies was France, which now as in 1741
lured Sweden into war. Large subsidies were offered
and promises made that Sweden should recover what
she had lost to Prussia in 1720. Such tempting pros-
pects the council could not resist and so joined Prus-
sia’s many enemies. This was a treacherous and cow-
ardly act, just as Prussia’s had been in joining Swed-
en’s many enemies in 1715.
Results of the Participation. The results were dis-
astrous. The Swedish forces were few, untrained, and
poorly equipped. Their worst enemies were want and
disease. There were times when every third man was
on the sick list. But the people were loyal as they had
been in the days of Charles XII, and more than one
brave exploit was performed. But nothing of real
value was accomplished. The officers were now, as
in the previous war, selfish and insubordinate. Many
simply neglected their military duties to take part in
the Riksdag or to attend to private affairs or pleasures.
Both the commanders in chief and the government
were helpless against such abuses.
The Treaty of Hamburg. After five years the war
was closed by the separate Treaty of Hamburg, May
22, 1762, through the personal mediation of the queen.
Sweden escaped without loss of territory. The general
peace was concluded at Paris in 1763. Frederick
emerged from the war with prestige greatly enhanced.
Cost of the Late War. The late war had cost the
kingdom many million crowns to no purpose. This
failure was now added to the other sins of the Hat
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